chapter 2: Universal Championship Challenge

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It was the main event of Raw and the Universal Champion Kevin Owens was holding an open challenge to anyone for his championship. I was at the gorilla waiting for my cue. While Kevn Ownes was talking, my music started playing and the fans cheered. 

Michael Cole: Oh my God! It can't be is he here?

Byron Saxton: It is! Ace Anderson is here! 

Corey Graves: Anderson, coming here to Raw from NXT as part of the superstar shake-up, but is he accepting the prizefighters challenge? 

I walked down the ramp, went in the ring and grabbed a mic. 

Ace: So Kevin, you're holding an open challenge for that title. you might have forgotten that my best friend Finn Balor was the first universal Champion. 

Kevin glared while I talked. 

Ace: well then Canadian boy, I accept your invitation. 

The fans cheered and chanted "yes!" 

(Towards the end of the match) 

Cole: Owens with a frog splash! 



Kick out! 

Graves: Owens going for the pop up powerbomb. Oh! Countered by an dropkick. Ace going to the top rope and landing on Owens with the RECOIL. 




Announcer: here is your winner and new Universal Champion, Ace Anderson! 

The fans cheered and chanted "ACE" I walked backstage and i was greeted by Finn, Seth, Bayley, Sasha, Nia and Alexa. 

Finn: lad, on your first night on Raw and your debut match, you've won the title, congrats! 

Bayley hugged me, Kevin gave me a fist bump and I saw Alexa giving me a smile, but as ours met she blushed and looked down as I smirked.

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