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"Monster fuckers!"



"Demon lovers!"

Curses and shouts filled the night air as a mob crowded the town square of a massive kingdom.

Their torches illuminated the buildings in brilliant, vibrant, haunting hues of orange, red, and gold.

In the center of the square, where the mob was gathered, were three men, all staring at the mob with emotionless faces.

The one on the left was tied to a wooden beam, with branches and hay surrounding his feet. His long blue hair was greasy and unkempt, but his blue eyes were glittering with intelligence.

He stared down at the people he had known all his life. Friends, neighbors, family.

All turned their back on him.

He was attired in a pair of worn brown leather pants and a dirty white shirt, decorated with holes. On his neck was a small patch of green, red, and blue scales resembling those of a snake. The way they shimmered resembled a leaf covered in the morning dew.

The male in the middle was tied to a trellis above a pool of water. He looked no older than 15, with tousled chocolate hair and cold blue eyes.

He glared at the people who he had once trusted; hatred now burning in his sapphire pools. He wore similar clothing to the first male, and a small patch of scales on his neck. In the fiery light, ruby, sapphire, and amethyst-colored scales shimmered brilliantly like stars in the night sky.

The third male was tied to an iron stake, a magic circle drawn around him. His dirty blonde hair, once clean and neat, was now itchy, full of knots and strands going everywhere.

Bruises and cuts covered his face, but not even his black eyes could dull jewel-blue irises, dazzling the beholder.

He was also attired in a similar fashion to the other two; only, his shirt was so ragged and torn, it was hanging on by only one shoulder, and ugly red scars scattered his body.

Despite his woeful state, he held his head high, showing no fear or regret. The small patch of aquamarine and teal scales shimmered and twinkled like water on a bright sunny day.


The mob continued their shouts, jeers, and boos; with some even starting to throw stones and rotten food at the bound trio.

A male wearing a hooded cloak, strands of jet-black hair tumbled out of the hood, stood in front of the three prisoners, his face emotionless but his eyes full of sadness. A small brown satchel was tied around his waist.

He opened his mouth to say something but instantly closed it as the king stepped toward the three.

"Darragh Hill, Gilligan Angel, Caelan Hudson. You three are sentenced to trial due to betraying your people to pursue those vile demons that torment our island. Do you deny it?" The king asked in a stern, loud voice.

"We do not deny anything, 'your majesty'." Darragh, the male tied to the wooden beam, spat in distaste. "And this island isn't yours. It belongs to the Nagas, the true guardians of Sodor!"

The people shouted again, even more riled now that Darragh's words were spoken in support of the monsters.

"SILENCE!" The king boomed, glowering at the three prisoners. "They are nothing but demons sent by the devil himself to kill us. And yet you would betray your own people to have... have relations with them?!"

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