Awakening of One's Heart

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A pair of eyes slowly opened at the sound of bubbles rising underwater, revealing two teal-colored orbs, which blinked before looking around the deep blue abyss.

Connor felt his body floating in the water, watching the silvery moon rippling over the water's surface.

He didn't feel panic as he felt himself slowly sinking deeper into the sea. Instead, he felt calm, peaceful...

At home, even.

Taking a breath, he watched as air bubbles flowed up, and yet, he found no problem breathing.

A low rumble echoed around him - as he looked around, he felt the current increase.

A large, dark outline moved slowly towards him, as if not to frighten him. And whilst Connor could see it approaching, he couldn't see much until it was close enough to reveal a scaly creature; with an individual scale being twice Connor's height, showing how massive the creature was.

And yet, Connor felt no fear as he moved himself in an upright position. Placing his hand on the body, he felt smooth scales glide against his skin. He watched how the end of the tail seemed to flatten, light blue scales with dark blue splotches.

He watched how the scales seemed to surround him before turning around. Two massive eyes stared at him - two sapphire pools housing slitted pupils.

Curiously, despite the size of the creature, the eyes held no malice, no anger, and no curiosity - just happiness and love.

Connor felt himself smiling as he stared at the massive figure shrouded in darkness in front of him, feeling protected and safe. He watched as a massive, webbed hand stretched out of the darkness, its long, clawed fingers curling protectively around him.

He placed his hand on the creature's thumb, gently kissing it as he was drawn towards the mysterious figure.


Connor groaned as he pushed himself up from his bed, forcing his tired eyes to remain open. He rubbed them gingerly, before running a hand through his current cowlick of dirty-blonde hair.

"That same damn dream..." Connor muttered as he stretched.

"Morning, sleepyhead!"

Conner jumped as his sister, Caitlin, sprang to his bedside, grinning.

"Come on, wake up, big brother, it's a beautiful day, so much to -'' She saw his pale face and frowned. "Are you well, brother?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, as he got up to his feet.

"You're very pale," she said quietly, putting a hand on his forehead.

"Sister, I'm fine." Connor grumbled.

"You've been acting weird all week." Caitlin pouted. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"It's- complicated." Connor grunted, wanting his little sister to leave him be.

But, Caitlin was not one for surrendering easily. "Connor, please, you've been withdrawn and thoughtful all week - more so than usual." She said, her eyes suddenly pleading. "Please, will you talk to me?"

Connor debated this. "If I get a chance to get a shower and a coffee, I'll tell you." He said.

"I'll make your coffee for you!" Caitlin offered.


As Caitlin flitted away, Connor felt guilty for wanting her to leave. He'd been wanting her to leave him all week - but he didn't want to lose her, so he decided to try to open up to her about his situation.

Secret of a Naga's HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora