I am Quirkless

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>>Opening ends here<<

" 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8..9...10! "

There was a boy, unwanted by his classmates.

" If I can't do 20 sit-ups, then I will do 30 squats! "

His eyes burning with determination...

" 1...2...3...4...5...6... "


A boy who envied villains and smiled as he watches the face of a man who saved hundreds of life's jumped around in joy, he too wanted to be just like him and to save hundreds.. no, millions of people around him.

" Mom! Look at him! He looks so cool and flashy and so awesome! " The boy was sat on his chair looking at the footage of what appears to be the number 1 hero carrying civilians over his arm in an area that seems to be burning...

" Do you think I can be just like him? " The boy asks his mother. His mothers voice was soft, warm and happy. " Yes! If you put in enough hard work and determination, then you can become a great hero just like him! "

The boy was gleaming with joy, his eyes so bright it can light up hundreds of worlds... his debut to protect the innocent and to defeat villains was unparalleled, soon to be turned into his own power.

" Now now Y/n... turn off the computer because its already dark! You have been watching that video too much, Goodnight my sweet little hero! " She giggled as her own son obediently replies " Goodnight mama! " His smile shun beyond the edges of the dark world and gave a waver of hope to the boys mother that one day he will become powerful and a great hero that will protect every single innocent civilian from the mass destructive hands of the villains!

The boy happily jumps onto the bed knowing that tomorrow will be the day his quirk will be known and announced and tomorrow will be the start of his journey on becoming the greatest hero!

The mother turns off the lights and closes the door, aware that tomorrow will be the day the doctor announces her own sons quirk, her clenching her heart, knowing the outcome of what he will say.

How does she know? She and her husband are both...


" Quirkless? Haa... I can imagine what it would be like to be one of those quirkless idiots like you Deky! Having no quirks means you are not fit to be with us! Get lost! " A small boy with a distinctive hair that resembles a spikey blonde explosion laughs.

" But kacchan... I can be a hero too if I try hard enough! Please have faith in me... "Another boy speaking to the blonde boy replies to his statement, with no knowledge of what he said could or could not be true, scared of what his future and his life is going to be like.

" How can a quirkless loser like you be a hero? I swear all of you pathetic quirkless losers are all the same, its like being quirkless is an infection, don't stay close to me you fool! "

The world has gone through abstract changes, from an atom to a rock, and from a rock to a planet, and from a planet to nature itself, a planet capable of withholding creatures that fight for survival, and with it comes humans.

Just like the planet, humans has gone through abstract changes, but its just not the appearance itself, but the outside interaction that would change humans forever.

Humans have changed and obtained the power of a meta ability, formerly known as quirks, while the cause of this phenomenon is unknown, it has been theorized that it was caused by the spread of a previously unknown virus carried by mice, although this theory had no valid evidence to support it.

But in this world, energy helps the quirk function in the first place, and its energy itself in which humans knew they have since their origin. Though this is unknown to most of humans that a quirk cannot function without energy, there is a family line that knows of this information that was passed down from generation to generation secretly without the public knowing. 

We will get into the perspective of Y/n, who has just visited the hospital with his mom.

" I am sorry to tell you this, but as a person's Quirk would have normally manifest anytime before the age of four, sometimes even straight after birth- " 

" Please get straight to the point sir! I have always wanted a quirk! " My voice was loud, filled with excitement knowing that this is my first huge step on my journey of becoming the worlds greatest hero!

" Well, Fubuki, your son is quirkless. "


Quirkless... Quirkless... Quirkless... Quirkless...

That word echoed through my mind until I noticed the true reality of my situation.

I am quirkless.

My world was turned upside down. Like a child whom dreams has become shattered, torn into pieces and thrown away into the roads of the streets to be ran over by the cars.

I am quirkless.

I have been waiting for this very moment since birth, it feels like a nightmare.

Its a nightmare, It has to be! I just need to close my eyes and wake up.

But it didn't work. 

I am quirkless.

I was frozen by the shock, sitting in the seat with my body, frozen into stone.

My eyes were as dark as dull, my glimmers have dimmed, and my eyes has turned into a dark void.

My mom hugged me in tears, telling me that she is sorry, but it was all for nothing. After all...

I am Quirkless.

857 Words

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