1.The Biginning

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David's Pov
January 2, 1994
I was leaving the theater when I received a message from my manager, the message was clear.
"They are looking for you to play a leading role in a television series, the directors seem eager for you and need an answer"
I stopped dead when I heard it.

"Anxious for me?!? Please... I already said that I would stay away from movies and television for a while"
"I know David, it may seem like a crazy idea but...god, I've read more or less what it's about, what character would you play and indeed, it suits you like a glove. They told me that only you come to their minds when they talk from "Ross Geller" and now, I can only imagine you playing it"
It sounded good, too good to be true.

"And who promises me that I will not have the same bad time as in the past? I like what I hear and if I am honest, I would accept without thinking, I really miss being on the sets but I am very happy in the theater "
"Just think about it please, they seem like very good people and if tonight you keep thinking about not participating, that will be the final answer, okay?"
"I don't understand so much interest in this program but fine, send me the script and I'll reconsider"
"Perfect, at 9:00 p.m. I'll call you again. Until then"
"Until then"

I couldn't help thinking about what would happen if I said yes; Would my life change or would it remain the same? Would it be a success or would it be another failed attempt? Thousands of questions went through my mind but the main one was the most.

Jennifer's Pov
The work day was ending in "Muddling Through", we had already recorded about 6 chapters and it was time to go home. I went to my dressing room, I took my things and decided to go eat there. When I closed the door I noticed that something in my bag vibrated, it was my manager.

"Jennifer darling, you are the new "Rachel Green" from Friends. Congratulations!!!"
My face changed from joy to overwhelm. The news was incredible, don't get me wrong but I was already working on a comedy, how was I going to risk it? The world of cinema is not easy and here they paid me a decent salary for the first time. I'm not going to fool, "Friends" caught my attention much more, I liked the plot, I liked my character, I liked everything but... what was I supposed to do??"

"Jennifer??? Are you there??"
"Ommm... yes yes yes... sorry... Wow... what unexpected news" - I said nervously
"And so much! Didn't you say that your audition went wrong??"
And a lot, when I finished the audition I left crying. I felt frustrated because I thought I wasn't enough for the role, I saw the other girls and I felt tiny, you could tell they had talent and they were reminded of it every day, which sometimes my, nobody.

"God!! I don't understand it, I suppose I must have given them pity..."
"Ehhh...none of that, pretty!! If they chose you it's because you're perfect for the role, period, believe it honey, you're Rachel Green!! the future icon of the 90's!! The envy of all the girls!!!
"Ohh come on shut up!! That's not true!!" - I said between laughs.
"And as much as it is... then, I say that you accept??"
Big question.

"I'm working on a good comedy series, I have a good salary and I don't want to risk it, but I want to be in "Friends" so much... ahgggg!!! I don't know what to do"
"Don't worry, you can be in both."
"What are you saying?!" - I said intrigued
"I mean, try "Friends" and if you see that it doesn't have the support or you see that it's not what you expected, get out."
"Okay...say yes, I'm the new Rachel Green"

David's POV's
Finally it was time to answer the question that had been tormenting me all day. After thinking, thinking and more thinking, I came to the conclusion that yes, it was going to be "Ross Geller": a young boy, brother of "Monica Geller", married to a lesbian, paleontologist and in love with a certain "Rachel Green", had to try, right?

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