5. The Pilot

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Jennifer's Pov
It was definitely a long night, I was just overthinking things and crying, I felt helpless and I couldn't stop the many thoughts that crossed my mind, who would have thought I would feel this way? I had woken up so happy and went to bed so bad... If Court had not told me anything right now I would be in my yuppie worlds, actually I thank her, I said it before, otherwise I would continue to illusion me so that then it could not be anything but, it is not easy to open your eyes overnight and less with something that you had hope that it was real.

David's Pov
I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Jen,she came to where I was and when she tried to talk she started crying,no matter how many times I asked her she wouldn't tell me anything.
"What's wrong Jen?" - I asked her overwhelmed about 12 times.
Her answer was "Nothing" or "Take me to the hotel David",I noticed her more distant and more distracted on the ride home,she was all the time with her head leaning on the glass not saying anything,she would look at me and lean her head back on the window.
"Jen...please, what's wrong with you? I'm worried about you...you haven't said anything at all and..."
"David, there's nothing wrong with me!" she said in a higher tone than usual.
"I'm sorry for worrying about you..." - a lump formed in my throat, I didn't expect her to answer me like that.
"David I'm sorry it's just that...ahg!!!..nothing is really wrong with me...I cry for everything,that's it,I was excited to start this project...don't worry" - she said with tears in her eyes.
"You really think I'm going to believe that?" - I told her while I pointed to her eyes to which she replied with a giggle "I'm not going to ask you anymore if you don't want to answer me, if someday you want to tell me, fine, and if not, too, ok?
Instead of answering, she finally came over to me again and gave me one of her tight hugs.
"Woow careful Jeeeen! - I said as I clenched my hands tightly on the steering wheel,we almost went out of the lane.
"Sorry and...thank you David,you are...amazing" - and she cried again,it breaks my heart to see her like that.
I dropped her off, like last night,at her hotel.
"Jen" - she turned around "If you need anything don't hesitate to call me,don't hesitate"- I stressed to her.
"Don't worry."
"And I don't care what you tell me, tomorrow I'll come pick you up whether you want me to or not."
"I can go by cab just fine"
"But I want to come and pick you up to make sure you're okay, okay?"
"Okay... my room is number 5 and it's on the second floor".
"Why are you telling me what your room is?" - I raised an eyebrow "You want me to come upstairs?" - I joked
"Oh and so much!!!" - she followed my play "I'm just saying that because I take quite a while to get ready and it was in case you wanted to come upstairs to distract yourself while"
"You're fixing it a lot Jen!!!" - We burst out laughing.
"I don't mean it that way silly!!!"You wish you could distract yourself that way" - she said with a stunning smile.
"I want to see that smile all the time please...it suits you" - I gave her a little fist on the arm.
And so I said goodbye to her,now I'm getting ready to pick her up,today we are going to record the first chapter and the only thing I hope is that she is better.

Jennifer's Pov
I thought I was going to wake up looking like the living dead but no, I felt pretty good for not having slept at all. I had arranged last night that David would come to pick me up, he insisted on coming to get me and this is not going to help the feelings I have for him to go away but if I tell the truth, I don't think they will go away, I will see him almost every day and if he continues like this, they will increase even more. I tidied up the room in case he came straight here;I made the bed and picked up the table I was using as a desk these days.I took a shower and put on comfortable clothes,I was going to be more in a wedding outfit than the sweatshirt and jeans so,I didn't give it a thought.When I was about to leave,someone knocked on the door,that someone was David.
"I was just on my way out" - I spoke before he said anything.
"Good morning, right?"
"Good morning" - I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as I closed the door "How long were you waiting for me at the front desk?"
"About 15 minutes."
"Nah it's ok,if we're late it's your fault" - he hesitated me
"Shut up" - I said as I laughed.

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