9.A Kiss?

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David's Pov
Afraid of tripping and falling in the water I walked around trying to find Jen, I didn't want to have our first kiss in front of the guys but it seemed like the only way it could happen was this way and I couldn't say no to a kiss from Jen any way I could, I've been dreaming of this moment since I met her. I bumped into someone and started to investigate who it was,I prayed it was Jen.I ran my hands down her dress very delicately,I touched her hair and neck and I knew it was her,I unveiled my eyes and sure enough there she was,the others were surrounding her eager to see what was going on.
"Guys,we are waiting for you to eat your mouths so we can play along" - Court said in case we didn't know.
"Do we have to do it here in front of you?" - Jen asked confused.
"We want to keep an eye on you guys because if we leave you alone you might not come back" - laughed Lisa.
"Pfff..." - I saw how Jen snorted - "Ok" - she said as she looked at me with her mesmerizing blue eyes
"Jen if you don't want it's ok" - I said as I ducked my head and held her hand.
"It's not that Schwimmy" - she looked at me with her most incredible smile- "I just don't like feeling so watched" - she blurted out pinning her gaze towards the other four.
"Excuse me miss, we'll turn around now" - Matty tried to be offended while he forced everyone to turn around.
When everyone's back was to us I stared at Jen, our bodies were close but our faces were not, we were embarrassed and we were drunk, I slowly put my hands around her waist shyly and she placed hers on my cheeks, our lips had yet to meet and as I parted a strand of hair that crossed the path I whispered in her ear that I wasn't going to do anything to make her uncomfortable, I wasn't going to stick my tongue in even if I wanted to because I didn't want our first kiss to be in front of them and that she was free to separate whenever she wanted and so it was, we connected our lips and there was no response from either of us, it was a "kiss" of friends who had to play a game out of obligation, in reality it sucked and not because of the kiss but because it wasn't the place to do it and definitely not the moment.

Jennifer's Pov
It was awkward and it wasn't his fault, both of us were a little bit embarrassed by the fact that we had to kiss in front of them and also for me, the fact that our first kiss was in a game, we told everyone that we had a good kiss but it wasn't like that, we preferred not to be bombarded with questions. The night continued with more drinks and more challenges, I had to kiss David's neck and there both the alcohol and my desire won (I left a mark), I also had to be sincere and I had to confess intimate things related to David and we even ended up all in the pool.It was around 4:30 and only David and I were left in the enclosure, the others were already in their rooms sleeping while we did not stop talking hugging in the hammock of the hotel.
"It's going to be my turn to make up my hickey for filming Miss Aniston" - he looked at me as he rested his forehead with mine.
"It gives you a touch of badass" - I smiled at him.
"I'm already a badass" - he got serious trying to get into the role.
"A lot, you're the new Jason Dean from Heathers".
"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling" - he looked at me trying to mimic him and I laughed.
"We better go to sleep" - I pulled away from him - "And you have to give me your shirt" - I pointed my finger at him.
We went upstairs holding hands while I had my heels hanging from my right hand,I walked into his room and the first thing I did was throw myself on the bed.
"Jen noooo!!!" - he put his hand over his face-"You just soaked my bed,thank you gorgeous"-he smiled falsely at me.He started looking through the drawers and pulled out a big black AC/DC t-shirt-"Here"-he tossed it to me-"But...." - he lunged at me this time to which I responded with a scream, I wasn't expecting it - "You have to stay over."
"You doubted?" - I frowned
"No" - he gave me a kiss on the cheek as he went to the bathroom to change.
I took off my dress and put on his t-shirt,the t-shirt smelled so much like him that it made my skin crawl,I opened a drawer of his and found a pair of shorts,I wasn't going to sleep in my panties and I didn't feel like going to my room to get one.I got into bed and waited for him,a minute later he appeared in his pajamas and lay down next to me with a big smile.
"Goodnight Precious"-he gave me a kiss on my forehead as I settled closer to him.
"Goodnight precious" -I answered him,it made me very happy to know that I was going to sleep again and wake up with him,I love him so much,so much...whoever I tell this to will not believe it.

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