4 - Charli's night

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Nessa snuck out again and this time she wasn't coming home for a few days.
She packed her dress and some heels and makeup in her book bag along with some weed in a baggie. She slid onto the tree and climbed down as carefully as possible.
She leapt down and ran toward the sidewalk.
Charli was there to pick her up, so she thought. She climbed into the car, not even looking to see who was driving as they sped off.
   I'm Dixie. The girl said lowly while turning the music off.
   Hi Dixie. You look like- Charli? Yes I know. I'm her older sister. Dixie interrupted.
   I'm Nessa.
Kinda knew that. So when we pull up at the house they're going to be a lot of people, Jaden told us you're kinda shy so we got someone there to make you feel comfortable who's not charli or Jaden.
   Alright? Who will that be if it's not you guys.
You'll love her. She's really nice. Dixie said while pulling into the garage.
   They got out and the smell of alcohol and weed filled Nessa's nostrils and the bumping of the loud music made her stomach turn in a weird way.
   Charli is right upstairs if you want to go bug her. She'll introduce you to your new friend.
   Nessa really was shy but all she needs is someone who knows to be comfortable. She wonders why they needed to get someone to do that.
   Hi c-charli. Nessa said while walking in.
Hey Nessa this is Avani. She's really cool and she's a great person to feel comfortable around. She's the toughest bitch in the neighborhood so she will be able to protect you at all times. Charli smiled while placing her hand on Avani's shoulder.
   I said not to touch me. Avani huffed while stepping away.
   I-I'm Nessa. The shorter girl stuttered as Avani towered over her, staring into her eyes.
   Don't be scared of me, I've been wanting to be your friend but you know. Antisocialness come with moving to a different state. Avani chuckled while placing her finger on Nessa's chin.
   Come on. Give me a hug. Avani snickered while opening her arms.
   Nessa very quickly gave her a side hug but that made Avani laugh.
   A real hug. She smiled while pulling Nessa in.
Nessa wrapped both arms around Avani and rested her head on her chest.
   That wasn't so hard now was it?
Ness shook her head and sat on the bathtub while charli got ready.
   They used that time to get to know each other.
Nessa's turn. How old are you and what are some things you like?
   Well I'm 17. I like skateboarding, drawing, writing, painting, reading, cooking, baking.
  Oh so you're a good girl aren't you? Avani smirked causing charli to slap her playfully.
   Well actually. Never mind, save that one for a heart felt conversation.
  You should get dressed. I can do your makeup for you.  Avani said while Ness got up to grab her bag.
   Okay don't look.
Nessa said "don't look" but Avani did anyways and man did Nessa have countless bruises and marks all over.
   She fixed the sleeves of her dress and stood infront of the mirror, pulling it down over her thighs as she admired herself in the mirror.
   This looks stupid. I look stupid. She grunted, about to take the dress off.
  Leave it. You look great Ness. Makeup time. Avani quickly said while grabbing her arm, making her flinch and pull her arm back.

Lucky star; NavaniHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin