Chapter 7: Dance Of The Serpent

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After The Sorting Ceremony and Start-Of-Term Feast (8:30PM)... September 1st, 1892


Ominis and Hestia end up walking off with each other so I decide that instead of going with them, I will go meet some of the new students that have been accepted into Hogwarts this year. Making new friends is kind of my thing and I like making a good first impression on the young and very impressionable first years.

If I play it right, I could have some first years to do my bidding in the future. I make my way over to a small boy who looks rather shy and anxious to give him some comforting words. He is sitting on the floor in a corner just outside the Great Hall.

"Hi, there. What's your name...?" I ask curiously in a kind voice, noticing that he was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"M-My name... is Nelson... Norwood." He says nervously, putting both of his hands together in front of him.

"Well... That's certainly a nice name. Your first and last name starts with an N, just like my first and last name starts with an S." I comment, chuckling.

"Seems we have something in common. It's nice to meet you. I'm Sebastian Sallow, a seventh-year Slytherin... I see that you're a Hufflepuff, huh?" I continue, smiling as a laugh escapes my lips and I elbow him gently whilst kneeling to his level.

"Thanks, you have just made me feel much better about being here. I was so nervous." Nelson says with a small chuckle, looking up at me with a smile.

"You're welcome and don't you worry, you'll be settled in no time. I'm sure of it. I remember my first day too... not really knowing anyone yet but thankfully I did have my best friend to back me up if needed. It was quite rough in the beginning but that's why I'm here talking to you now. If you need anything, I'm just a letter away." I say reassuringly, patting his back.

All of a sudden, I hear faint giggling in the background whilst I am talking to Nelson. I turn around to see two fourth-year Gryffindor girls as they giggle their heads off whilst staring at me and whispering to each other.

"Well, looks like I better be off. I'll see you around, Nelson." I wave to him as I leave and walk over to the young girls to see what is going on with them.

"Can I help you, ladies...?" I ask, curious as to what they have been giggling about.

"I-It's just... we find you... very... handsome." They say in sync, complimenting me as they continue their giggling.

"Well, if that's all. Then thank you, I guess?" I say, standing confidently. 

I thought to myself, "I cannot believe I have two fourth-years swooning over me."

"You're... welcome." They say giggling, blushing as quickly as a Niffler can steal Galleons out of your pocket.

"So... what are your names then?" I question, smiling kindly as I look down at them.

"I-I'm Ginny Norris, and she's... W-Well she can tell you." The shy girl says, pointing to her friend as she awaits her response.

"Yes... I can. I'm Isabella Brown." She says, smiling.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two. Thank you for telling me your names, I do like them. They're very pretty." I compliment them to build up their confidence which they may need in the coming years.

"Thank you, you're too kind! It was a pleasure to meet you, now we must go." Isabella replies, looking up at me before they rush off, both of their cheeks turning bright red.

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