Chapter 9: An Electrifying Touch

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Transfiguration Class (11:00am)... September 2nd, 1892


"Oh, Merlin's Beard! Let's just get to class, already!" I let out, the jealousy rising as I raised my voice in annoyance.

That kind of interaction between them kills me inside because as each day passes, I want more... of her. I desperately want to tell her how I have started to feel about her, but I don't want to cause any of us to drift apart. I don't know what to do besides sit and watch them.

"Alright, Sebastian. Let's go, we do not want you to be upset with us." Ominis says agreeably, Hestia leading the way as she still has her hand in his.

We walk from the courtyard into the classroom and take a seat as we wait for Professor Weasley to make an appearance. I glance over at Ominis and Hestia with a grimace on my face just before their hands slowly parted from one another.

"How was that, Ominis?" Hestia asks curiously, letting out a tiny giggle as she awaits his reply.

"It was very nice... Actually, it was more like perfect so thank you, I appreciate it." Ominis says charmingly, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he gently nudges her shoulder with his own.

Garreth comes in shortly after us and sits in pretty close proximity to all of us, Hestia in between Ominis and I. I glare at him once I notice his eyes panning in her direction as he casts her an admiring glance. He looks away quickly hoping to avoid eye contact with me and starts talking to another student who had just walked in.

As we all sit together, I suddenly feel Hestia's leg brush against my own, causing a jolt of electricity to run through my body. Was it an accident as she wiggled about in her seat or was it intentional?  I question internally as I shift my eyes to look over to her as she looks off into the distance, my head lowered a bit as my hands sit on my lap.

I have a feeling of euphoria come over me as I sit quietly beside her, my heart pounding as I steal a glance of her ever so often. My head became clouded and my mouth salivated at the very thought of her. I desire to be closer to her, to touch her in a way that I never have before, to worship every square inch of her body. 

However, I don't want to be weird about it because she's my best friend. Is it too soon to be making any kind of advances? Would she feel the same way? I ask myself internally, pondering on my thoughts but for now, it seems that sitting here beside her is the next best thing.

Lost in my thoughts for a little while, I soon snap back to reality as I notice Professor Weasley walking out of her office to begin today's Transfiguration lesson.

"Good morning, everyone!" She greets all of the students with excitement in her voice as she gives a wide smile. She raises her wand and gives a small, fluid motion to prepare her untidy papers. The papers quickly stack themselves, one by one, as they become organized and sit neatly on her desk.

"Alright, class! Today we will review a few things we learned last year. Can anyone remember one specific thing we learned last year?" She asks with hope in her voice, as she walks past our table to the next with her arms situated behind her back as she holds her hands together.

I remained quiet since I definitely couldn't tell her the right answer because I barely paid any mind to this class last year, I had narrowly managed to pass it with an "Acceptable" mark. My focus leaned more towards Defense Against The Dark Arts and Potions at the time for pretty obvious reasons.

I was in a bad place for quite a long time as I searched for a cure for my sister but over time I slowly learned to accept that there may not be a known cure for her sickness and even if I found one, she still might not want to see me thus making it harder for me to find her.

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