Chapter 1

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'I couldnt run away from the screams and shouts surrounding me. The bright light coming from every direction made it impossible for me to see anything but him. It was like he haunted me even in my dreams. He was coming towards me that hollow look on his face. I tried to run but feet wont give in. I felt a hand grasp my back as I turned around to see him close to me. I could feel his breath on me. And everything blacked out.

Waliyah's POV:
I woke up panting on my bed from that horrible nightmare. I checked the alarm clock to see it was 3:46 in the morning. I've never had these kind of nightmares before in my life. This was unusual. Who was that guy? Why was he following me? I cursed myself as I couldnt remember his face. I could never remember my dreams. I shook off the fear and decided to stay up as the fajr prayers would be in no time. I got out of my bed to head downstairs and get a snack. Wow so I get hungry too after nightmares?. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch. It was still raining and I couldnt be more gloomy. I hated the weather of London. No sun for hours and endless rain. I finished my snack and as I headed upstairs, it was already time for fajr. I did my wudu and put on my prayer scarf. As I laid out my prayer mat I felt something odd. I wasn't happy or excited for Fajr prayer. I shook that thought off, said Astagfiruallah and offered my prayers.

'The time I spent, I longed for the one, why isnt he here with me yet? I wish for him in my prayers, that one and only person who is the best for me and makes me feel loved. Where is my prince charming Oh My Lord?'

With this thought I went into sweet slumber thinking about the perfect husband for me. Was there good waiting for me or just pure destruction? Only My Lord Knows......

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