Chapter 3

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Wajeeh's POV:

I looked at my watch as time slowly ticked by in the World History class. Alhamdulilah the paper went good unexpected to my preperation. But 'she' couldnt get out of my mind. Whatever I tried to forget about her, I saw her face right infront of me. Why is this happening to me? I sighed as I wrote down the notes in pure agony. This wont be a good day wallah I know it.
The bell rang and I rushed towards the hallways in pure happiness that school is finally over. And just then 'she' walked right past me. Really? Like this had to happen right now? I said to myself as a tried to find a way to hide before I embarress myself even more. 'Yo Wajeeh! What are you doing hiding behind the lockers? Come out mate, we've got a football match in a hour'. Blush crept up as she looked towards me in total confusion and then lowered her gaze and walked away with her girlfriends. 'She is so pious Ma Sha Allah' I said as I smiled to myself. 'Dude, your'e really acting weird today, is everything okay?', Aleem said as he saw me smiling. 'Oh yeah, uhhh yeah I'm fine, I just uhh remembered that I'm going to have biryani for lunch today!' I said as cursed under my breath for the lamest answer ever. Everyone started laughing and hitting me playfully as I laughed with them. But I really did hope Ummi made Biryani today cause I was starving.

Waliyah's POV:

I came back home and gave my salam's to everyone only to see lunch laid up on the table with my father sitting patiently reading the newspaper. He looked up and smiled at me as I went foward to give him a hug a big kiss on his bald head which I love and thought was funny for a person like my dad. I washed my hands and sat on the table with my sister and my big brother. We all gasped in love and hunger as mummi laid the platter of biryani in the center of the table. We all eyed eachother and said Alhamdulilah for the food and for an amazing women who made the best biryani ever.

As soon as I finished eating, I headed back upstairs to my room. I had a pile of homework to do but instead I decided to watch a movie because I could and also because I hated homework and I copied answers in class anyway. I searched some good romantic movies online and I decided to go with The Longest Ride. I wasnt a big fan of romantic movies myself but today I instantly had the urge to watch it. 'Is it because of that guy you saw in school? What was his name, Wajeeh?'. My eyes went wide as that thought hit my mind. I quickly said Astagfiruallah and carried on watching the movie. I swear my mind is trying to make me go crazy.

I looked up at the time only to see 12:36 on my clock. I cursed under my breath as I had to wake up in the morning early. I was so engrossed in the movie that I lost track of time. And my mind was constantly reminding me of 'Wajeeh' whom I didnt know but somehow I did. It was like I knew him but I was still confused why he looked up at me. Before I knew it, I was blushing. Yep. That had to happen. Throwing those thoughts away, I jumped off my bed, brushed my teeth and got into my favourite pajamas. And yes I wore Teletubbies pj's, dont judge me.

As I fell into slumber, I knew tomorrow was going to be a looonggg day. Maybe because of him.

Authors note: 
Asalam Alaikum everyone! I hope youre liking the story so far because seriously I enjoy writing it too! But I'm really sorry for the long update. My exams were starting and I had so much going on (ugh college life) but InShaAllah I will try to update frequently on weekends! This is a small chapter but a long one is on its way! Do comment below if you like it ❤
JazakAllah khair my Ukhti's ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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