Chapter 5: The Truth part 1

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Rhea's Pov:

I was sat backstage watching Y/N's match against Bianca and when she pinned her I was hoping for her to win, and she did I was proud of her..but I was still thinking on how to tell her it was me. "Hey Mami! You coming over to congraulate the newbie with me, Finn and Damian? Or just stare at the TV?", I heard Dom call out and I shot up seeing Y/N stood between Damian and Finn.

Y/N's Pov:

Rhea looked happy as she came over, she had picked me up and hugged me, "well done Insanity", she used me ring name as the other three didn't know my name yet. She had finally put me down but I still had a weird feeling about her. "Thanks you guys I really appreciate it, but I've got to go find Becky I promised I would hang with her after my match" Finn, Damian and Dom had all nodded but Rhea looked mad, was she jealous? No she couldn't be she hardly knows me.

3rd person pov:

Y/N had walked off waving to go find Becky but Rhea didn't enjoy that she went to hang out with Becky as she needed to confess it was her and get her best friend back as she really liked her and wanted her to be her's not Becky's, so Rhea had followed Y/N and grabbed her arm and pulled her into her locker room. "Rhea what the hell?! I need to go find Becky", Rhea shook her head and locked the locker room and sighed "look I have a confession to make, my Real name...its Demi" Y/N just froze not knowing how to feel or react.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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