Up All Night

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//22's POV//
I tossed and turned in the bed,trying to fall asleep. I was trying not to wake up lily at the same time. I couldn't sleep. I didn't know if it was the fact that my stomach felt really weird or the fact that I felt kinda dizzy. Yet I still tossed and turned in the bed. Then I felt like throwing up. I really didn't feel well. I got up and went to the bathroom. I leaked over the sink. I was beginning to panic and I was scared. I never got sick so I was scared soemthing was actually wrong. Then I saw alan come up the stairs.

'what are you doing up?'
'I was thirsty,what about you?'
'I can't sleep...and I don't feel very well...'
'whats wrong?'
'I'm dizzy, nauseous and my stomach feels really weird...'
'you gonna be alright?'
'yeah...i think I'm just dehydrated'

I then began to cough harshly. My chest hurt like hell as I coughed. Alan started rubbing my back. As I forced myself to, the vomit came out in small parts. Once I stopped feeling nauseous, I stopped forcing myself to throw up. I was the most shocked I had felt in a while. The only reason I forced myself was because the nausea really bothered me. I turned around to Alan and hugged him with the last amount of strength. He was shocked at first but then he hugged me back.

'I feel like sh*t'
'I know...youll be alright...'

I still hugged him and I didn't let go. I was so tired and I could barely move.

'you better go back to bed...you'll need to rest'
'i cant even move right now...my whole body hurts and I'm really tired'

He picked me up and took me back to my room and laid me on the bed. Lily was awake next to me. She held me close and brushed my hair with he fingers. I always found that comforting. I managed to turn on my side and she held me close, like how a mother would hold her child. I was never known to be like this but this was a weak point. I felt embarrassed.

'what happened?'
'he's not feeling well lily'
'is he okay?'
'he'll be fine. He just needs to rest'
'was he sick?'
'yeah. Quite a lot actually. Weird thing is,he kept coughing it up in small amounts. That's not normal, is it?'
'he might have just felt really sick and tried to force himself to throw up. You know how he is. He just hates being sick'

I grabbed the loose fabric on Lily's hoodie and groaned quietly. She kissed my forehead and rubbed my back with her hand that was behind me. I slowly fell asleep a she softly rubbed me.

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