your beautiful (pt.1)

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TW-, sadness/grief., in part 2 there is smut.

All characters depicted in this text are 18+
(Takes place in a cabin in the woods while they are between settlements, carl never got bit, and Glenn and Abraham never passed away)

YN- your name

YN pov:

About 2 months back, me, Daryl and Eugene found a cabin near a lake, the cabin was beautiful, the cabin was also still furnished, besides damage too the outside porch and dust gathering inside, at the time we found it while scavenging the rest of our group were hiding in a somewhat burnt down church, it was cozy but not big enough for 7 people,  and far from safe enough, the walls were almost demolished and the ash and fumes can't have been good,especially when we were there most of the time, after Alexandria fell we were separated, our current group consisted of me, Carl, Eugene,Daryl, Glenn, Abraham and Maggie. Abraham and Maggie have been working on radio signals for the past few months whilst me Eugene Daryl and sometimes Glenn had been scavenging, so coming across a seemingly safe enough cabin was a jackpot for us.
After moving ourselves into the cabins we all sorted ourselves into rooms, there were 3 rooms with a bed in one a pull out bed in the other and some sheets on the floor in the last, in the room with a bed was Glenn and Maggie, in the room with the sheets was Daryl, Abraham and Carl, and in the room with the pullout was me and Eugene,  Eugene was always like the fun best freind, and he always suspected i had a love for Carl, in Alexandria we would sit at the watch towers and gossip about the town like little girls at a sleepover, me and Carl talked alot, we were both smart in Battle, and we always caught eachother staring, which Daryl and Maggie picked up on and would tease.

~Timeskip:10:00- everyone's asleep besides you~

I couldn't sleep. It was mid August, warm as hell nights and without AC I could barely deal with shorts and a tank top on, I decided too go down stairs and sneak out the back too the lake, the thing about the lake is it was so deep in the forest it was very much ridden of walkers , we would get 1 or 2 a day and the majority of them were weak or mutilated, so I didn't have too worry about a walker attack, but taking out my hunting knife was always a precaution, as I walked out I took in a breath of fresh air, and went too sit on the somewhat raggedy dock, as I walked down the dock I saw a figure crouched at the end, my hand grazed my knife in my pocket as I audibly cleared my throat, in the moonlight I saw a pale skinned long haired boy turn around and from what I could see his face glistening with tears, I walked up too him and sat down, he was wearing shorts a tank top and his go too flannel, his hat in his lap, he refused too look up, Carl had been like this before, but as the time progressed you learned how too comfort him, Carl doesn't ever want too talk about how he feels, he just needs physical comfort, like a hug or even just playing with his hair, I looked at his face, well what I could see, he didn't have his bandage on which gave him another reason too avoid eye contact with me, I reached my hand too his gorgouse brown locks and made small plats in his hair, a small smile forming on his face.

Carl pov:

I saw YN coming out from the cabin , I was crying, crying over alot of things, mostly my mom, my dad, Judith, michonne, I missed them, and I wish they were here too see the beautiful wonders of this place, finding somewhere like this is a rare event, another reason I was crying was because of my eye, my monstrosity of a fucking eye, I look at myself in the mirror for hours, I know no one will ever love my flaws, especially my eye, and I know YN will never love my eye, nor will she ever love me.
As I looked over too her I immediately averted my gaze back too the glistening water, I felt the dock slightly creak as YN sat down, she stared for probably about 15 seconds, then I felt her delicate hands in my hair about a minute after I was half smiling when she interrupted the comfortable silence,
"Look,  pretty plats in your hair"
She said with a kind smile as she pulled my hair round so it was in veiw of my eye, I smiled softly,
"Why aren't you wearing your bandage dear" she said softly, in a way that reminded me of my mother, the question caught me of guard and I was worried, was she judging me? I wouldn't blame her.
"I- I was uncomfortable with it on," I said my voice breaking slightly, she grabbed my face pecking my cheek softly,
"You should wear it less, your wounds make you, you, and your amazing, "she said in almost a whisper, at this point I was turned too her, my eye in veiw,
"Does it still hurt?" She questioned,
"No, not anymore" I say chuckling too myself,
And as I did she ran her finger underneath it, probably just an inch away from the wound, she smiled saying nothing, just admiring me, her eyes going from my wound, to my eye, so my lips, and her eyes staying at them.
"Beautiful , my beautiful boy,"
She said in a hush as she closed the gap between us with a soft kiss, I kissed back, her lips soft, we connected like a puzzle, perfectly like it was meant to be.
She pulled away and ushered me too come with her, I stood up following her in awe, down the dock and back too the house.

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