negans daughters (pt.2)

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Tw:fluff??,  angst idfk, mentioned nudity lol.

Season 7 spoilers!!!

YN-your name

YN pov:

'Negan?? Negan, as in, dad negan, negans a pretty fucking rare name, I hope too God it is him, I miss hi-'
Im breaken from my thoughts by the man I assume is rick,
"I guess you can see him.. but we should get you washed up and checked for infections first, and we should ask you more, questions, hell we don't even know your name." He says suspiciously,

~timeskip after having a shower, getting fresh clothes and food, and being checked~

Walking down to the prison with carol in silence, I decided too break it,
"Why, does everyone hate negan," I ask,
"Hes done some things to our group,  he killed Maggie's husband, you know the southern spoken lady, and killed one of our strongest, most loyal men,and hes done other things but we hate him the most for those,  we keep him In prison instead of killing him because we want him too see us flourish without him," Carol states,
"O-oh my gosh im so so sorry," I say my voice cracking a bit,
When they questioned me all they asked is my name, age and normal shit, but they seemed to avoid the negan question,
"Also, ricks son is down in the cells, cleaning i think, so if you see him dont be startled,  and.. dont mention his eye," she says smiling too me,
As we get down too the cells i see the boy, who im assuming is 'ricks son' , his hair long and gorgeous, like Greek gods, his cheekbones soft but also accented, his eyes-well eye, a beautiful blue, his skin pale but soft looking,
I blush slightly, he doesn't seem too have noticed me and Carol,
"Hey, carl, did you hear about the new girl?" She says walking up to him, leaving me stood in my place,
"Hm, no?" He says, his voice deep, and somewhat sexy,
He looks at me and stops, his cheeks dust a shade of pink as he straighted his posture,
"O-oh the new girl, h-hi uh-"
"YN," Carol says, snickering,
"Hi, YN!" He smiled awkwardly,
I smiled back as Carol gestures me too come along with her, as we reach the cell holding negan my hands begin too shake,
"Negan, you have a visitor, " she says coldly.
He lifts his head up and freezes,
"Princess?" He says, his voice sounding strangled,
Running up too the bars he begins too sob silently,
"I-i thought you were dead ! Carol please open my cell, please" he begged, his voice soft but desperate,
She does so as I run in, hugging him tightly,
"I-i missed you dad ,I thought you abandoned me, i-i was so scared!"
"id never deliberately leave my only daughter, your my angel, I never went a night without hoping too find you, and before I was brought here I never went a day thinking of where you could be, I love you, ill never leave you again!" He cries,

Carol pov:

Shes, his fucking daughter, oh my fucking, oh my God,
I grab some cuffs from the side, and motion too negan, I put them on him,
"Guess you get too go outside today, eh negan?" I say, laughing too myself, taken aback by the situation, we walked out the cells,carl had gone, probably home or too rick, walking down the street we get looks off of bystanders until we reach the town hall, we see rick there,
"What the fuck are you doing Carol!?" He angrily asks,
"I'll explain, just go get everyone and meet here, we need an, intervention," I say walking into the hall.

3rd Pov:

As everyone gathers into the hall they are taken aback one by one seeing negan sat at the front, YN sat next to him, talking to him like they are long lost best freinds, negan and YN's conversation consists of him asking if she's ok, her age now, how she survived, stuff like that,
As everyone gathered into the hall the stand filled, its filled with father Gabriel, michonne siddiq and aaron,
"Why is he here, carol" michonne asks,

~after explaining the situation~

The hall is silent, people suprised, angry, but most of them feel sympathy,
"Negan shall not be leaving his cell, but will be able too have monitered daily visits from YN, and will be able too walk around the streets together negan, ofcourse in cuffs." Father Gabriel says, he looks at YN nodding his head with a soft smile,
Rick clears his throat,
" me, carl ,michonne and Judith have come to an agreement, we will take YN into our home, if she agrees too help around the house and the camp,"
"Are you sure, if you are, ill gladly help, as much as I can!" YN says, happy too feel somewhat accepted,
They all agree on this and as YN, negan and Carol walk back too the cell, YN says her goodbyes for the night too her father, and she is walked back too ricks home, being met by him on the porch,
Signalling her too come in shes welcomed by a happy Judith and Carl cooking dinner together with michonne, they look up smiling at her, Judith walks over too YN putting her hand out too shake it, and YN does so,
"You'll be sharing a room with carl for a while if thats ok, he has 2 beds in his room so its fairly suitable" michonne says to YN
"Yes, that would be fine" YN says ,
"We already put a bag up their for you, its got a toothbrush, clothes and a hairbrush, " Judith says enthusiastically,
"Why don't we go to the room then, and ill show you around " Rick says,
After showing YN around they eat dinner, Judith is mostly asking YN various questions but other than that its quite silent, after dinner YN goes upstairs,she sits in her new room, she knows carl Judith michonne and rick are downstairs cooking she decides too change into some new clothes, so she can get some rest.

YN pov:

Im changing into some new clothes, i find a nice tank top and some sweatpants, im stood in the room, I'm stood there in my underwear, I take off my bra and set it down onto the bed,
I hear a startled voice say, I turned my head and jump covering my boobs with my hands,
"Shit i- im so fucking sorry oh my god!" He says quickly as he turns around and closes the door, I stand there shocked for about a minute but I decide too get changed a sit in bed,  reading a book that was in my suit case trying too get my mind off the events that just happened, my face still red with embarrassment.
About 20 minutes later I hear everyone go to bed, and just after carl walks in, his eye glued too the floor,
He sits on the bed avoiding eye contact,
"I-im sorry, I should have changed in the bathroom or something " I say with an awkward smile,
"Nono I should have knocked its fine really, im not mad!" He says, regretting what he said,
"Woww, not mad. Jesus im not that pretty!" I say with a laugh,
"I didn't mean it that way!" He says his face red,
We laugh and joke the whole night, growing closer and closer,
"Your a really fun guy, carl"

"Thanks YN"

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