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YN pov:

You belong too a camp, yes your scavengers yes your survivors but you are very different too other groups, your group consisted of about 30 people, about 20 people you knew pre-apocolypse , and 10 you met on the way,
Every group you had ever met had compared you all to animals,you were clean but you were all aggressive, some of us hid In trees, some of us crawled like animals, so yeah you could call us feral.
Pre-apocolypse most of us went too school together, we were all either teenagers or reaching adult hood, the oldest of us being 20, I was just turned 17, and I was one of the stronger of our group.
We were like other groups in other ways, like we stuck by eachothers sides and cared for eachother, but instead of making do we wore elaborate clothes and face makeup, we looked somewhat tribal but who gave a fuck, it was cool, and it kind of distracted the younger kids from the fact they could die any second.

"My names YN, im a scavenger and a fighter, I fight with a spear and people fear me!" My freind Macey mocked, she was a chef here, a plumper girl with faded pink and black hair,
"Fuck off" I laughed, id just gotten back off of a hunt,
I whipped my head too see Caleb, one of the camps defenders burst through the door,
"YN! People!" He said breathlessly as I ran out, I climbed up the gates and looked over too see a group, about as large as ours maybe a bit smaller,
"Is there anyone there, we won't hurt you we need help, my wife's pregnant and we need safe haven!" A shorter Asian man shouted,
I slid down the walls and looked at Caleb, he opened the gates large enough for me too get out and shut them behind me,
"And what can you offer us?" I asked, I felt bad for the lady clenched over holding her stomach but it doesn't mean this isn't a trap,
"What, can you offer us?" I said again getting impatient,
"We, we have food, we are good fighters, if we can speak too a leader i-" a man with a Sheriff hat started,
"We don't have leaders,"
"Well, speak too someone with more authority, someone older maybe. " an older lady looked me up and down,
"Im one of the oldest people here, im 17, there's a 20 year old you can speak too if thats satisfactory, but I don't think I'll be letting you in," I turned around walking back before the older lady started again,
"Im sorry, i didn't mean that, we are just stressed and we can't lose her or this baby," she said,
I sighed before knocking on the gates,
"Let them in." I shouted as the gates opened,
"Follow me, don't talk too anyone." I walked in as they followed, there eyes widening at the sight of our camp, I took them too the infirmary,
"Tell me about you all. Starting with the man who shouted over too begin with." I said.

~a few hours later~

We had listened to them and agreed they could find safe haven here for aslong as needed but if needs be we would kill them all no hesitation which they abliged with.
Id taken a liking too a boy, about my age in there group, beautiful long brown hair and a flannel shirt, a young girl holding his hand who i assumed was his sister and a bandage wrapping his eye,
I sat on a bench drinking a flat cola, writing down some things about the new arrivals as Macey walked up behind me,
"Boo!" I squealed,
"Shit you fuckin scared me!" I shouted back laughing, she sat next too me,
"You logging down the newbies?" She asked too which I nodded,
"Saw the way you were looking at that boyyyy" she teased,
"What boy." I asked even though I knew what she meant,
"Yknoowwww," she looked down at the list of names,
"Carl!" She said loudly, I slapped her mouth,
"Ouch bitch jeez" she laughed,
"Fuck youu" I said in a sing-song voice before getting up and walking too the camp fire some people were sat around, as I got closer I saw it was the new people, more specifically, rick, carl, carol, Judith and Daryl, from what I knew, I sat down on a log separate from there's lighting a smore, when it was done I put a homemade cookie around it and some chocolate before handing it too the small girl Judith, she looked up at me smiling,
"For me?" She asked sweetly,
"Yeah kid. Bet ya ain't never had one of these," I smirked too which she agreed,
"Whyd you let us in, I was so rude," Carol piped up,
"Believe me, if that poor lady in there wasn't with you I wouldn't have, its better just too be grateful i did and not ask questions," I said awkwardly,
"This is the first time in a while any of us have even seen adults, bare in mind spoken too them."
"But, there's children here, children younger than judith?" Rick asked,
"Yeah, and there's hormonal teenagers, some of the older ones, 18 and 19 got pregnant had kids, but to be fair its safe too say many of them didn't survive birth, not because we can't deliver the babies because we can some of us studied medicine, its just that some of us are too young, too small hips or too malnourished," I sighed, id lost my older sister too it, along with my neice as she was stillborn,this was a sensitive subject but I had too keep my cool.
I talked too them for about 20 minutes until they began talking amongst themselves, I stared at the floor until I was broken from my thoughts,
"Hey, YN right?" I heard a deep voice say, I looked up too see carl,
"Yeah, carl?" I asked back too which he nodded,
"Your camps badass" he said looking around at the dimly lit tents and caravans,
"Yeah, when we first got here about 5 or 6 years back it was just a trailer park, but we rebuilt," I smiled,
We talked for the rest of the night until I went home for rest, carl , rick and Judith stayed in the caravan infront of mine,Glenn and Maggie in the one behind and Carol and Daryl in separate tents, I laid down too rest,
'Maybe having adults around aint that bad.'


~5 months later~

We had grown accustomed too having adults around, and it was fairly nice, they helped with things we couldn't, like educating younger kids with things we forgot, shit like that.
Me and Carl had grown closer, i had taught him how too hunt and kill like we did, taught him how too fend from walkers and clean more in depth wounds, we hung our almost everyday whether it be in camp or in the forests,
I did his makeup all up like mine once and we laughed the entire night smoking malbro and drinking vodka, we were inseparable.
His dad was catching on too, walking past there caravan when they had there window open was something,
'You like that girl don't you?'
'What, nooo,no what???'
Or sitting outside and looking across the camp too see him gawking, I think he likes me but your never too sure.

"Hey carl!!" I shouted walking up too him, catching his attention,
"Hey,hey YN!" He smiled,
"Wanna go hangout?" I said, gesturing too outside the walls
"Hell yeah, lemme go get my bag," he said, ushering me towards him,
"I've never been in your trailer before," I smiled walking up the steps,
"Its not special"he laughed grabbing his bag,
"Stay here for 5 while I go grab something from the infirmary?" He asked, to which I agreed sitting down on his bed,
Im not one too snoop but his bedside drawer was half opened, I peered inside too see a notebook, or maybe a diary?
I opened it on a random page and began too read,
'Shes just so perfect, the way her hair falls over her shoulders and the way her eyes shine in the sun, her skin is gorgouse, I just want her so badly,'
That page read, you felt somewhat jealousy bubble inside you,you turned too the next page,
'Her, oh my God,her, she's so beautiful and perfect, her body is just too die for, the way her hips dip in then back out and the way her breasts sit perfectly on her chest,' you kept reading,
'Oh YN, when will you realize,'
The last line read you sat there in shock as you heard the trailer steps creak,you threw the diary back into the drawer and stood up,
"We ready too go?" He asked peering his head in too which you meekly nodded blushing hard,
You walked out of the fence still dumbfounded,
"Whats up, you look like you just saw a ghost??" Carl asked with somewhat concern in his voice,
"Nah nothing just found your cumsock" you said brushing off any suspicions,
"Oh noo, not the cum sock" he laughed hard,
you both ran through the forest chasing eachother, until he managed too tackle you too the ground, the ground was soft, it was thick green grass, the sky was blue and clear and it was just a beautiful day, just as beautiful as he was,
"Oh not so fast!" You flipped him over,
"Waittt nononono" he stuttered as you sat down ontop of him feeling his hard on through his jeans,
You blushed but instead of getting shy you decided too take charge, see what fun you could have.
"Wow, is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy too see me?" You snickered,
"Happy too see you," he whispered,
"Can't hear you," you closened yourself too him so close your noses were almost touching,
"Just, just kiss me," he whispered again, too which you smiled, kissing his lips slowly,  he held your waist as you held his face,
You grinded on him as he whined,
"Stop teasing" he whined out,
"Stop being inpatient" he replied with,
You lifted your shirt off as your perky breasts fell out, his eyes grew wider,
"Whats up babe?" You asked sweetly,
"Your, just pretty" he said staring at your breasts,
"So are you baby,"
You lifted his shirt over his head as he took his hat off,
You began too kiss his neck leaving small purple marks, you kept grinding on his clothed erection,
"So, what do you want from me, huh?" You asked him, faces inches from eachother,
"Anything, everything, i just want you," he whined out, too which you smiled, unbuttoning your leather shorts and pulling them down and off, along with his jeans,
You palmer his clothed erection before pulling down his waistband, watching his cock jump out and hit his stomach,
"So big for me," you whispered into his ear, before pulling off your underwear and tossing it onto the pile of your clothes,
"You sure you want this?" You asked him,
"More than anything," he replied with, looking up at you with lustful eyes.
You lined yourself up with his length and pushed yourself down onto him, you stretched around his large cock, and moans of pleasure and pain left your mouth, this was your first time and by the sound of it his too, he whined and gripped your waist,
"Holy, shit," you groaned out, as you began grinding and bouncing on his length,
"So, warm" he whined out his eyes squeezed shut,
You both grinded and fucked eachother in sync, letting out profanities and moans ,
"Im so, close," he whispered too me,
"Me too baby," I said, right as I finished on him, squeezing around his cock, shivering, and that was enough too make him finish.
We both flopped over too the sides of eachother,
"YN..." he started,
"Yeah sugar?" I replied with, tracing circles on his chest,
"Will, you be, my girlfriend?" His heartbeat grew faster as he asked you,
"Carl," you replied,
Before you could answer he cut you off,
"Oh it was stupid I don't know why I asked," he sat up looking away,
"Carl i was gonna say yes" you laughed, he looked at you,


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