Chapter 11 - Let you know too much

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Chapter 11 

Let you know too much

Huo Pu had gone to bother the abbot after the visiting hour ended at six p.m. sharp, but the special guest refused to climb down the mountain like other visitors.

"You forgot you had offered me dinner that the abbot himself will be cooking?"

...That would teach Huo Pu not to spew offers like this without serious consideration ever again.

Facing the curious youths, the abbot dropped a sentence. "Let fate determine the way."

That sentence alone stopped Huo Pu. He understood very well that being able to read a person's fate was the grace of Buddha. To let a person know their fate was an act of testing how far God's grace was. That was why the abbot never said more than two sentences per reading, all about events within the same year and not further.

"Can't I know?" Zhang Muchen was unreconciled.

"Young master Zhang, we had let you know too much."

Zhang Muchen also knew that. As someone from a prestige family and born with high talent, he has a fate that could affect a large part of the world's population. The reason why he knew about his fate was due to his family's prestige to personally invite the abbot over, as well as his fate that could influence many people's life and death.

That was why the abbot was willing to share more of his readings, in hopes that Zhang Muchen would not do anything that could hurt innocent people.

"I would have thought you guys would do anything to stick her to my side because of my fate," Zhang Muchen said dryly.

The abbot shakes his head lightly. "We will not force an encounter. If fate dictates it, you two will meet. What we can do is do our best to keep both of you safe."

When Zhang Muchen wanted to argue, the abbot added, "As long as you have a clear conscience and do not harm anyone, you are free to do as you wish. Your assistant is waiting and it's best to end our conversation here."

No matter how thick-skinned Zhang Muchen could be, it would be rude for him to overstay when the host had already told him to leave.

Back home, it was not good for porridge to be tomorrow's meal, so Lin Jiayi helped to eat it. It was much more comfortable eating homemade porridge than sitting in restaurants and eating expensive food. Even her stomach feels more comfortable.

"Jiayi, you will stay with us."

"Yes." Lin Jiayi was still underage, not knowing anyone in the world, so where would she go other than staying with her grandparents?

Knowing she did not understand, Grandma Lin elaborated, "Instead of going back to that house alone, you should stay with us. You have never been alone before, right?"

Remembering the unfamiliar yet familiar house, the scared Lin Jiayi did want to stay under the same roof as her grandparents, but she sensed something from them so she declined. "I want to learn more about the other... Jiayi."

Grandma Lin was tired and wanted some time alone by herself to digest the earth-shaking news, so she did not insist much. "Then move in after I clean up your old room."

It was not that the pair of grandparents did not insist their granddaughter stay at the same house with them. It was their granddaughter's own idea to stay in her own room instead of taking over her father's childhood bedroom.

How would she be happy that she could not refurnish her own room when her grandparents want to maintain their son's room as it was? With the reason that she was old enough to be independent, she moved out at the age of twelve, and her school performance derailed since then.

But they do not have the heart to force their granddaughter to move out from the home that was left to her by her late parents. They had to convince themselves that this was a good opportunity to let their granddaughter who had not seen much of the world to experience life in order to be stronger.

It was because they were too controlling and strict as parents that their daughter, Lin Meili, became a taciturn and gloomy person who then ran away to the city once she finished school.

As for Lin Ge Shuai? He only gets some backbone after meeting his wife.

After knowing that two different parenting methods brought disaster, Grandma Lin does not dare to bring up her new granddaughter using those ways. If she ended up coddling Lin Jiayi, so be it! She had lost a granddaughter, there was no way she would want to lose another! Even after they died, Lin Jiayi would be fine once she got married with all their savings left to her.

As the abbot said, it does not matter if Lin Jiayi was not talented or had a successful life that many envied. It was more important that she was happy and grew up to be a good person.

Her husband should have the same idea as her, with how he brought them to eat outside twice.

The day started with surprise and shock and ended with exhaustion that penetrated deep into a person's soul. It was time to sleep but Grandma Lin found herself wide awake, unable to sleep.

Her mind kept on wandering, thinking and reminiscing about her granddaughter until she sensed movement beside her. Wiping away her tears, she glanced at her husband to see if she had accidentally woken him up.

Grandpa Lin, who was actually not sleeping despite closing his eyes, finally made a decision. "We will bring Jiayi to the city for a complete body checkup tomorrow."

"The abbot said the doctor might see something," Grandma Lin's voice was tired and scared.

"That's why we can not go to the same doctor twice. We will use the excuse of going for a second opinion if the doctor wants Jiayi to stay."

"...Okay. Can you leave your work this long?"

"I will explain we have a family emergency."

When the two elderly finally settled their worry and fell asleep, Lin Jiayi was not yet ready to sleep even when her habit of sleeping early was driving her nuts.

She could drop what she was doing to continue tomorrow, especially when she would need to attend school tomorrow, but she accidentally found Lin Jiayi in this world's diary when she looked around her closet to find her school uniform. She herself had never done such a thing before, so she was a little excited to have a chance to know how she would write in a diary.

To her surprise, 'Lin Jiayi' has ten diaries, one year for one book. It would be useless to read the early years, so she only read the latest one to get an idea of how 'Lin Jiayi' spent her day in school. She vowed to never make the same mistake again and acted according to 'Lin Jiayi's personality.

Surprised once again, 'Lin Jiayi' has friends unlike herself, and she hangs out with them every day. The entries were written in self-bragging and mockery of others, which was rather uncomfortable to read.

No wonder Grandma and Grandpa Lin easily caught her as a fake. But the idea of her having the need to act the same way once she stepped out of her house and turned her stomach over.

Flipping to the end for a peek, the last journal was about the day before their birthday. Lin Jiayi might have died before she even got the chance to update her diary. There would not be any clues on how this world's Lin Jiayi passed away, other than her planned itinerary if she had not changed her plans.

'Lin Jiayi' had written that her birthday celebration plan was to hang out at the recently opened shopping mall with her friends, an hour away from home. With the intention to skip school, something Lin Jiayi had never done before.

She persisted in finishing the entire diary, fortunately only three months, before exhaustion grabbed her to dreamland. Lin Jiayi does not remember what time she slept, but she felt tired when it was time to wake up.

The good thing that came from exhaustion was not remembering if she had a nightmare or not. 

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