Part 3

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"You!" We both exclaimed at the same time. No way. It was the privileged asshole that tried to buy my cinnamon roll for a hundred euros.

I looked up at him dumbfounded. Just my luck. Why did these things always happen to me. "Taking things that are mine again." He said with a look of disdain on his face. "Excuse me?" I said still in shock. "It seems to be a habit of yours." "I'm sorry but didn't you literally offer me your cigarette?" I said while quickly standing up. The nerve this man had. Offering me something and getting mad when i take him up on his offer.

"You know what I can't deal with this right now." He said. The disdain was now not only visible on his face but his entire voice was laced with it. He didn't even spare me another glance and walked straight back inside.

I slowly sat back down again still processing what had happened. I sat in silence while finishing the cigarette. Just as I extinguished it with my foot, Pierre and Lola walked out. "There you are! We were worried sick when you just disappeared and we couldn't find you!" Pierre said while sighing. "We wanted to call where you were but didn't have our phones." Lola explained. "You can't just disappear like that Alora!" Pierre said, his relieve now turning into frustration. "I know I'm sorry. Won't do it again, dad." I said chuckling trying to make light of the situation. "Let's go back inside." I said. "Only if you're up for it." Lola said with a slightly questioning tone. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I said while shrugging my shoulders.

As we walked back into the club Pierre gave me stern look, but I knew it was only out of worry. We each got a cocktail and resumed dancing. I couldn't help but search the club for the prick I saw outside earlier. But it seemed he had already left. I focused on keeping a smile on my face so my friends wouldn't worry any further. It was bad enough that they already worried after I disappeared.

We stumbled towards the cab we had called earlier when we left the club and got our phones back. Pierre was right though, no one had bothered either him or Lola on their free night and there would be no embarrassing videos of me and my friends circling the internet by the time we would wake up.

Pierre and Lola had decided to crash at my place with Lola sleeping next to me in my bed and Pierre claiming the couch. I didn't remember much from the night after my run in with the privileged prick.

We awoke the next morning due to the sun blasting it's sunshine in our eyes. I felt Lola stirring in bed besides me and knew she had woken up too. Without a word we both got up and silently walked towards the living room careful not to wake Pierre. But when we stepped into the living room we heard Pierre grunt in discomfort and we both chuckled.

"Do you now get my hate for your insanely big windows without curtains. Like seriously who has windows this big without curtains?" Pierre grumbled. "Back to your grumpy self I see." I chuckled. I looked at the clock hanging above my dining table. Half past two. Honestly it was a wonder the light hadn't waked us earlier.

"Let me make breakfast for you guys." Lola said excitedly as I fell down on the couch next to Pierre. That girl literally had to be an actual angel. There was simply no other explanation. "You are an actual heaven sent." I screamed towards the kitchen in which she had already disappeared. "Sush! Keep your voice down will you." Pierre grumbled next to me again.

Pierre and I both had fallen asleep again but got woken to a much more pleasurable sensation. I sniffed a few times. "Are those pancakes i smell?" I questioned with an enormous grin plastered on my face. "Bacon?" Pierre questioned. I shoved him. "Be nice to her. She just made us pancakes." He nodded. "You're right. Thank you Lola. We seriously owe you. But how in the hell are you not hungover?" "I have a high tolerance I guess." She said.

After devouring breakfast we crashed on the couch again. This time all three of us. Pierre was in his winter break, Lola didn't have shoots or campaigns this week and I was a struggling author who had writers block. Meaning we didn't have plans to cancel due to our massive hangovers.

"So what are our plans for the day?" Lola asked. "Let's just go to the beach for a while to take advantage of this sunny day and maybe go out for dinner after?" I asked. "You seriously want to go sit in the sun right now? Firstly it's freaking winter and secondly am I the only one with a hangover? How are you people even standing? Especially you Alora, you looked just as terrible as me this morning. And yet here you are, being all chipper and stuff." Pierre complained. "Okay change of plans. Lola and I will go to the beach and we will leave you here to go and be a vampire or something. You do know sunshine is vital right? Anyway, you will get the time to cure that hangover of yours and we will get some girl time to gossip about how stupid boys can be." I concluded. "Perfect!" Lola excitedly said. "Fine by me." Pierre said while laying back down on my couch.


"So how have you been? I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages." Lola asked while we were heading towards the beach. "Great! You know living my best life here in Monte Carlo. Surrounded by people I love with all of my heart." "Alora, I know you. I won't push you to talk about it but I know something has been bothering you lately and you're trying to cover it up. Just know that I'll always be here if you just need to vent. I know you can take care of yourself but that doesn't mean you have to do it all on your own, okay?"

That girl could seriously see right through me. I appreciated it dearly but hated it on the other hand. People shouldn't worry about me. It just wasn't right.

"Thank you so much for saying that. But truly I am alright. You shouldn't worry about me okay?" I said as we placed a small blanket on the sand to sit on. "But how are you? How's that new model you're working with?" I asked her. "Honestly he isn't as bad as they make him out to be. His mannerisms just take some getting used to. I just don't get how the media is allowed to portray people in such a bad light. It isn't right." "You're completely right and I love how you always see the best in people." I said while looking with admiration at her.

I always wished I could have the same outlook on life as Lola, but I had unfortunately learned a long time ago that not everyone could be identified as a good person.

After a few hours of light chitchat we felt the sun setting and instantly got cold. Even though today had felt like spring, it was still very much winter. Fortunately we were already wearing thick hoodies and had brought some coats to cover up with on the short walk to my apartment.

It was a small apartment, but that made it even cozier. I had been lucky enough to have written two bestselling books two years ago which made me enough money to rent a small apartment for at least two years in the place I loved with all of my heart, Monte Carlo.

But ever since publishing my second novel I had writers block which I didn't know how to get rid off. Seriously I had tried almost anything I could think off except asking for help. I stubbornly enough just couldn't bring myself to openly admit I had been struggling for almost two years with writing. But I knew if I didn't start writing a book in the next month I had to ask for help. Because as much as I hated admitting it, money was running out.

As Lola and I got back to my apartment we heard Pierre snoring. "How can he be asleep again? Isn't he supposed to be a top athlete." Lola whispered chuckling.

"Wakey wakey princess! I would suggest you open your eyes unless you want me to kiss you awake like snowwhite." I said walking towards him. Pierre shot up. "No please! Lola! Get her away from me!" He said while kicking his legs to keep the distance between us as I stood ready with puckered lips. But I couldn't hold back anymore and bursted with laughter. "Oh if only you could see your face right now." I cackled still trying to catch my breath from laughing.

Lola couldn't hold back anymore and also began laughing uncontrollably. "And I am no princess. If anything I would be Prince Charming. You know on a white horse and shit. I can already see it, saving woman left and right." This only made us rolling with laughter on the floor with tears in our eyes.

"I think I can speak for all woman when I say we don't need to be saved by you on a white horse." I breathed out just in time before continuing laughing.


Hi lovely people! This was a bit of a filler chapter so I'm sorry about that. I will try to bring some more action into the next chapters. Hope you all had/have a good day <3
(And as always if you see some mistakes please let me know so I can correct them)

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