Part 16

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After we had arrived back in Monaco, Pierre and I went straight to our own apartments. We only had three days in Monaco before heading to Australia for the next race. There was nothing I wanted more than to dive into my own bed and take a nap. The past few days had been extremely hectic and if I wanted to start all over with the concept for my book I had to get some sleep. Otherwise I would collapse before I could write the first sentence.

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs to my apartment and opened my door. I put all of my weight against the door to open it and almost tumbled into my apartment. After getting a glass of water from the kitchen and gulping it down quickly, I walked straight to my bed and dove in like I promised myself I would. I think this was the most comfortable I had ever been in my bed. There was something so comforting about the feeling of laying in your own bed after traveling.

As I laid in bed I thought about how sad it would make me to lose this apartment. It was my own safe haven and I loved it with all of my heart. I had made some of the most wonderful memories inside these walls. I couldn't bear the thought of living somewhere else. Unfortunately I still hadn't written anything good enough to pitch to my agent, so that meant I still hadn't made any more money. Earlier today my landlord sent me a text as a reminder to pay my rent before the end of the month. I probably wouldn't have a pitch worthy idea before then so I had to be realistic and start coming to peace with the idea of living somewhere else. Eventually I fell asleep thinking about all the wonderful memories I had made in this apartment.

The next morning I woke up feeling even worse than the day before. I didn't think it was possible, but here I was. My head was pounding and I couldn't look at anything without feeling sadness about having to leave this place. I opened my laptop and sat down at my dinner table, to try and write something again. But alas, nothing. I had never felt as uninspired as I felt in this moment. I found it hard to write a happy lovestory when my own love life was as dry as the Sahara after getting my heart ripped out a year ago.

I was just about to pick up my laptop and throw it out of the window when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number and was contemplating picking up. However after a few seconds my curiosity got the better of me and I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked. "Ah how wonderful of you to pick up!" An enthusiastic female voice said on the other side of the line. "Pardon me for asking but who exactly am I speaking with?" "Oh how rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm Claire Wilson, pr manager at Scuderia Ferrari. You're Alora Cadieux am I right?" "Yes this is she. What can I help you with?" Why would someone from Ferrari be calling me? That's when I recalled Charles saying something about his pr manager wanting to contact me.

"Well as I'm sure your aware there are some articles about you and mister Leclerc circling the internet. And I was wondering if you happened to have some time while we're all in Monaco to help me understand some things, and talk about the situation?" I wasn't sure what to answer, but was too curious to decline. I hadn't said anything yet, too busy trying to understand the whole situation. "I promise it'll be quick but I have an opportunity I would like to discuss with you." An opportunity? What opportunity could Ferrari have to offer me? "May I ask what kind of opportunity we're talking about?" "Unfortunately I can't disclose any details over the phone but I promise I will make it worth your while." I was extremely confused as it seemed like they wanted to offer me some kind of job at Ferrari. But why would Ferrari want to offer me a job? "Where would you like to meet?" "Does the Graziella at three sound okay to you?" "You know what, sure." "How wonderful to hear! I can't wait, see you then Alora." "Yeah see you then." I said sounding extremely confused. But who could blame me.

It was already one o'clock so I hopped off my chair and ran towards my shower. Normally I took a shower immediately after coming home after traveling but yesterday I had been way too tired to even stand up straight so I decided to sleep first.

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