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I got up from the bed and looked at Hanbin "what are you talking about" i said with the most serious face. "oh sorry i couldn't help it but-" i cut him off "did you tell the doctor that you we're my boyfriend" i said annoyed as i looked away "umm yea i did" he said looking down "you didn't have to do that, i didn't ask for your help" i said "i know but let me help you out. We could only pretend when we're alone or something" he said looking at me "what about your friends they're going to find out if you keep doing this" i said finally looking at him. 'he looks desperate' i thought "no they won't you don't have to worry about that" he said smiling "i already have a lot of things to worry about. i don't need more" i said looking away "i don't know why you even bothered bringing me here" i said making him sigh "because i worry about you" he said making me look at him "why even bother, we're not close" i said "we'll we can be" he said

"what do you mean" i tell him "we'll we do have that assignment to do, why don't you come to my house, besides the doctor told me that i had to help you out' he said smiling "umm no thank you" i said declining making him whine "oh come on y/n, i won't do anything dumb. I really want to help you please" he said clinging onto my arm "can you let go of me" i said "umm no i won't until you agree" he said clinging more onto me "what if someone comes in" i said worried looking at the door "it's okay they think we're a thing so it won't matter" he said. He kept clinging not letting me go so i decided to do a horrible decision ever "fine i'll go to your house" i said and he let go of me

"Really??? You'll come" he said happily 'wow i've never seen his smile' i thought "y-yea i'll spend time at your place okay, but if someone finds out your dead" i tell him pointing my finger at him "HAHAHAHA okay don't worry no one will know i promise, besides my close friends" he said holding out his pinky "okay" i said and he smiled widely.


The doctor told me i was able to go home and i didn't have to spend time at the hospital since i was feeling a bit better. Hanbin took me out to his car "is this your car" i ask making him laugh "yea it is, who else's car would it be" he said as he opened the door for me "oh, yea right" i said as i got in and he closed the door and he went his way to his way of the car "are you hungry?" he asks me "ummm no" i said. I didn't wanna bother him although i was craving ramen. "Hmmmm are you sure" he said squinting his eyes getting close to me "y-yea i'm sure" i said nervously "hmmm i knwo your lying, it's okay just tell me what you want" he said "no no i'm actually fine don't worry" i said "its literally 6pm you've been in the hospital for 4 hours how are you not hungry" he said astonished and in that my stomach growls and he looks at me and starts laughing "sure your definitely not hungry right" he said as he started the car

I was very embarrassed "sorry i just don't wanna bother you" i said as i turned red "haha its okay i'm taking you to my place either way" he said "fine, c-can we get some ramen" i said and he smiles "sure i was planning on getting that too" he said as he drove to the nearest convenience store. Taerae started to text me 


TAETAE: 'Y/n are you home'




TAETAE: 'Is Hanbin hyung with you'


I realized how i didn't tell Taerae nothing about this 'i don't know if i should' i thought. While Hanbin was inside the store i waited for him in the car. Hanbin came in with two bowls of Ramen "we can eat this at home" he said as he started to drive again and i nod "umm so my friend Taerae is texting me asking me if i'm home" i told Hanbin and he hummed "okay did you tell him your at my place" he said "because i was planning on telling Zhang hao since he's the only close close friend i have along with Seowon" he said and i thought for a while. "hmm i guess i'll tell him" i said making him turn to me with a smile


Y/N: 'heyyy Taerae yea i'm out of the hospital'

Y/N: 'I'm actually with Hanbin right now, i'm going to stay at his house for a while'

Y/N: 'i'm going to get my clothes and stuff tomorrow since it's the weekend'

Y/N: "i'll tell you what happened later okay'

Y/N: 'Don't worry i'm feeling a lot better :)'




Y/N : 'sorry i was going to, this was all Hanbin's idea'

Y/N: 'he wouldn't leave me alone, so i had to agree



Y/N: 'Boi i won't okay, i'll talk to ya later'

TAETAE: 'okayyyy byeee'

"There i did it" i tell him and in that we reached his house "woah is this your house" i asked him while getting off the car "yea it is, you like it?" he asked and i looked at him "ummm y-yea it looks decent" i said making him laugh "thanks, let's go in" he said and i followed him in. "ummm i'm not sure when you wanna get your things we can go tomorrow since its the weekend" Hanbin tells me and i nod "yea i don't mind going tomorrow" i said and he hummed "okay do you wanna maybe start that assignment for psychology" he asked me while he hanged up his coat along with mine "ummm if your free maybe" i said "of course i'm free, we can go to a nice café shop that i know" he said happily "okay" i said with a smile "wow your place is nice" i tell him "thank you" he said while he handed me the ramen "it's pretty hot so it's nice to eat it since its cold out" he said "sit here" he pulled out the chair for me to sit 

"Thanks" i said while we both started to eat the ramen "mmmmm its so good" i said "yea and you said you weren't hungry" he said laughing "okay stop laughing i just didn't wanna bother you" i said quietly as i ate "i know, but since i'm your 'boyfriend' i must take care of you" he said and i had stuffed my cheeks as i ate and he touches my cheek and i look at him and he smiles and continues eating leaving me dumbfounded 'what was that' i thought. I shrugged it off 'it's probably nothing'

As we finished he showed the rooms to his house "this is your room" he said "wow its huge" i said and he laughed "yea it is" he handed me pajamas "these we're mine but they don't fit me no more so you can have them" he said and i grabbed them "ohh okay thanks" i said "i'll be in the living room" he said and i nod "okay i'll change real quick" he nod and left and i closed the door 'woah how am i going to survive this house is huge, I wonder if he ever felt lonely being alone here i know i will' i thought.

I changed and headed out and i saw Hanbin sleeping on a small table in the middle of the living room and i didn't realized how i was smiling. He was working on something it looked like he was drawing something and on the side it had a list 'things to do with y/n :)' is what it said and the drawing looked like a person 'this looks like me' i thought and i took a closer look realizing it was me. I looked at him and smiled i placed the two papers where they we're and i also put my head on the table and stared at him

'your really something... Hanbin' i said as i dozed off


Heyyy guys thanks for reading its a bit long of a chapter. I hope you all stay healthy and safe love ya'll :)

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