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"Yea it is" i said making Gunwook scoff "so you moved on? Y/n i haven't been able too. I still need to tell you what happened you never hear me out" he said and i stood up for the first time i wanna get over him and stop thinking about him "i don't wanna hear you out, i saw enough that day it hurt me so damn much thinking that the person i loved the most and my best friend for 10 years would do this to me. I always blamed myself thinking that i did something bad to deserve this but the more i think of it, it never made sense i was always there for you and i did everything you told me to do. i was always loyal to you i always told you everything, and you did this to me" i said almost in tears it was the first time i spoke about this to him about how i felt that day but i'm feeling as if this happened again

"Y/n, i'm sorry i never meant to hurt you. I know you don't wanna talk to me and i understand that but you should hear us out" Yuna said as she came up to us. I scoffed "no i don't after i ended everything with you both your friends we're coming at me saying the worse things ever and that you told them everything i told you. I lost trust in both of you guys that's why i don't want to hear you guys out no matte how selfish it sounds i have my rights" i said as i gathered my things and Gunwook grabbed my arm "we're not done yet" he said and i was annoyed "let me go i don't wanna hear you" i said "are you really going out with this guy" he said still in disbelief and i laugh "yea i am" i said trying to let go of his grip "prove it to me then" he said and i looked at him

"what do you mean?" i said "we'll if you guys ae dating, then kiss. I need to know if your lying to me or not" he said and he let go of me. i was feeling confident i don't know how and i faced Gunwook and he smiled at me. I sigh and grab his face and kiss him. He closes his eyes and kisses me back we both kissed and we almost made out i knew Gunwook had to see more than just a peck so i had to go for it before it went further deep i let go "see now you believe us" I said and i felt embarrassed looking at Hanbin "now if you excuse us we have to go" Hanbin said as he dragged me out of the shop leaving Gunwook dumbfounded as we walked more away making sure the coast was clear 

We stopped walking "the coast is clear" Hanbin said and i smiled "yea thanks for the help" i said and he smiled at me "of course i mean i had to help you" he said and i stared at him "about what happened a while ago ummm sorry i just had to-" he cuts me off placing his lips on mine again i close my eyes and kiss him back and he pushed me lightly behind a fence and kisses me a bit roughly then before and i felt hot at that moment "y/n... i can't hold it anymore" he said with a different tone of voice and i stare at him and he looks at my lips that we're kind of swollen and he leans in again and kisses me again he pulled my shirt a bit and we we're making out at this point.

Our tongues we're fighting one another and Hanbin won and we continue to make out until we couldn't breathe. I stopped to catch my breathe and so did he we placed our foreheads to each other "now you believe that i like you" he said and i smiled "i always believed you" i said with a smile and he smiled back. We walked back to where his car was parked and to our surprise Gunwook and Yuna weren't there no more. I grabbed Hanbin's arm and he looked at me "what is it" he said and i cleared my throat "ummm i really appreciate the help you've given me, and i wanna start liking you back" i said as i looked down and he had a huge smile on his face "i'll wait until your ready" he said and i smiled we both got inside the car and we drove back home

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me and i smiled back i was feeling happy once again like i did before "do you want to eat anything" he asked me and i was thinking "ramen?" he said making me look at him "how'd you know i was going to ask for that" i said making him laugh " i just know you so well" he said making me laugh "yea, sure" i said and we stopped by the convenience store again. 'i think i do like Hanbin' i told myself 'he treats me different than how Gunwook use to treat me' i said my thoughts we're interrupted when Hanbin opened the door "we can eat it at home" he said making me nod. We got to Hanbin's house and he placed the two bowls of Ramen in the living room and he turned on the TV "we can have dinner like this today" he said and i smiled 

"Sure" i said and i sat next to him. We watched 'Howl's moving castle' while eating Ramen together "i love this anime" i said and he hummed "oh really?, yea it's a very good one" he said and i nod we continue to eat but as i finished i was feeling tired i placed my head on the table trying to stay awake but i didn't realize my eyes closing. Hanbin noticed and got up and placed a blanket on y/n and he covered himself with it too

He smiles and looks at y/n, 'i love you.. y/n' he said as he dozed off as well


Thanks for reading!! I'm thankful for you guys. Stay healthy and safe :]        

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