From the Dark

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Warehouse noise and voices interact as several people attend a blanketed vehicle. Engineers discuss the latest findings and numbers of the last round of tests and algorithms.

Power lines and computer banks snake into and under the tarp as technicians act as ants around their picnic. A few feet away monitors hum as findings and latest computer models show the vehicle from all sides.

"We're about ready, a man in a lab coat says after he walks over to a tall man in a suit.

"I hope so" the man says trying not to show his fatigue to his team. "Fourth time is the charm right?" 

"Yes sir he stammered, I think we have it isolated now though. The engineer says with a sigh.

"Ok let's try it. The suited man says as he grabs a computer chair and slides it in front of the front of the car. As he does he slides the tarp up over the hood of the car.

"K.I.T.T., can your hear me?"

The front of the car responded with silence,

"K.I.T.T, can you hear me pal"?

The front array lights up gently. A large LED more imitating a bumper than a scanner glows slightly. "Micheal?"

"Micheal is that you?" The car says quietly. 

"Yes pal, it's me."

"What's going on" it's very dark?"

"It's all right pal, we just got you back on line right now, "the voice says

With a pause "Micheal?" "How long has it been?"

"For you?" 35 years. Micheal said quietly.

"Oh dear" K.I.T.T said. It's 2022?

"Good to see your calculator is working anyway" Micheal said as he looked at the clipboard.

"Not funny Michael" the car said.

No KITT not at all. Not funny at all.

Micheal studied the clipboard, you see we just now managed to find your active CPU in the archives. We don't even know how much left of you there is pal. He said.

"I feel strange Micheal, KITT said quietly. I have no diagnostic capabilities he said matter of factly.

No, as I said your just coming back on line. Your not connected to the superstructure yet. Give it time.

KITT seemed to consider that as his scanner moved from side to side. I'm seeing other directory's Micheal?"

KITT under no circumstances are you to access those directories is that clear?" 

KITT waiting a few more seconds he said "yes Micheal.

"KITT, I want you to rest now" Micheal said.  "Shut down. The answers are coming buddy".

Yes Micheal" KITT said.

After a second KITT's scanner winked out.

Micheal waited a few seconds, he turned to the engineers. Activate "3000"

After a few seconds the scanner light up again, this time the scanner split in the middle and moved from centre to end and back on both sides.

"Good morning Micheal" a less well known voice said.

Good morning KITT, Micheal said. What's the latest on the diagnostics?"

"The newer voice replied diagnostics on   The 2000 seem to be improving, if we can maintain the grid curve and power distribution centre until we can get the CPU downloaded.

"And if we Can't" Michael asked.

"In that event I calculate an 88% chance we Will lose the CPU of the Knight Industry two Thousand forever.

No, you can't allow that to happen KITT. Everything you've got into that.

The 3000 hummed away, the curve is holding steady and I believe I can hold the dynamic Cascade long enough to retract the 2000 CPU. Though it's a mess in there.

I do understand KITT. Truth was the CPU was felt to be corrupted beyond repair years ago and KITT 2000 was taken off line by Bonnie Barstow years ago to protect the advanced CPU for its time. Do you still see, have the virus algorithms confined?

KITT 2000 is held away from the corrupted systems. The walls I put up are holding.

How long to download the 2000 CPU files Micheal asked?

Approximately 49 to 60 hours KITT 3000 said mathematically

Then let's begin Micheal Knight said and the Knight 3000 began the long process to remove the antiquated CPU from the Automated entity. Download begins now 3000 stated.

Micheal got up from the chair and began to walk away when one of the engineers walked up to him. "Mr Knight you do realize if we're not surgically precise here we run the risk of losing both projects"?

Dr Barstow, I brought you aboard two years ago because you understood your mother's work and have a good grasp of Knight Technologies. We have made incredible strides and the time has come to get 2000 out of the corrupt systems now wouldn't you think?

Well, all tests did show there wouldn't be a better opportunity once we had the walls up to contain the corruption Dr Maggie Barstow stammered slightly.

And the latest batch of tests did show system containment that's why I've given the green light and look. It's already at 2%.

Maggie, listen, I know KITT. He's a fighter. Once we add the new algorithms to his logic circuits he'll be the fighter I once knew. Micheal smiled that warm smile that always made everyone feel better and walked out of the repair bay.

Micheal sat at his desk, in his office. The office that was once Devon Miles Micheal now headed FLAG and had done so about a year after that AWOL fiasco in 2009. He was able to contain and clear the issues of that by 2010

He looked again at the schematics for 3000 and had come up with the idea to download the 2000 system through the 3000 computers because it looked like the virus wouldn't affect the 3000 CPU files.

Most of KITT 2000 systems are analog and not worth saving. However the CPU stood for years of research and millions of Dollars to simply let it go. Micheal pushed away the sentimental reasons for this. It simply needed to be done.

A knock on the door brought Micheal back to the present. "Come in" he said

Dr Sarah Graymen walked in with a iPad "I have the latest stats on the extraction she smiled and looked at Micheal. "Yeah and how's your KITT doing he said as he looked over the report.

My KITT? Sarah repeated, "he's doing good given the amount of data he's having to extract from the 2000 CPU and still hold off that virus. That thing is still very active and poses a real threat.

I know Sarah. But we're behind on the new project and were running out of time and options. Yes sir she tried to smile. Um, on a personal note, when will Micheal be back she asked.

Your Husband will be back from Istanbul tomorrow around 16:00. And I hear he's got good news.

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