Knight of Honors

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Mid Afternoon at LAX was, as usual typical Chaos and hustle. Through the sea of travelers a man in his early 40's tried to work his way through the steady stream of people. The man brought back to the here and now as someone called his name.

"Michael, Michael?"

Michael Knight turned to see his wife smiling back at him, "Hey Sarah" he smiled and kissed her deeply. "How are we doing?"

"Michael SR has begun the purge" she said to Mike. "he decided thanks to Dr Barstow that KITT was ready to isolate the original CPU from the 2000".

Mike picked up his bag and they started to make their way out of  the airport to the entrance, "But I thought the idea was to wait until after the test of the Prototype?"

Sarah walked her way with her husband to the waiting Limo. "Unfortunately things changed quickly" she said as the driver took the bag from Mike and opened the back door. "we detected a signal degradation in the main CPU that had to be isolated. KITT was able to isolate the virus and freeze it, but only if he was directly connected to the 2000." She said as she got into the Limo.

Mike tried to control his anger, as he grabbed the door, "I thought we agreed we cant directly connect KITT to the 2000 because we would run the risk of contamination of both units" he said sternly as he sat in the Limo coming face to face with his father and boss.

Michael SR took a sip from his whiskey glass and interjected to his son, "KITT and I worked out a secondary subroutine where he can keep the virus in a stasis chamber until we could pull out the original CPU for hopeful changeovers. At  this point KITT has the original CPU at 22% downloaded.

"And we agreed, a stasis field would have to encompass too many of the frankly outdated subroutines of the 2000 CPU for extraction for KITT without making sure we have triple redundant back ups?" Mike looked at his father angrily.

KITT and the engineers actually made a quad core back up, Michael Sr shot back. The time has come and I pulled the trigger. We can't afford to delay any longer.

Mike felt his face get hot and flushed at that information. "I didn't know that would be possible he said to Michael and Sarah.

"KITT 3000 was working non stop to create a multi channel transducer to enable the primary cores to create a feedback loop on the virus to ensure us enough time to remove KITT 2000 memory core" Micheal said trying to keep the tiredness at bay. "So, you said you had good news from Istanbul?"

Mike looked at Sarah and then at his father, he unhooked his belt buckle and slid a small slender round data disk from the buckle. "The Knight archives was finally able to find the 2000 original plans for the CPU, though I'm not sure why it would be in Turkey?" Mike said sarcastically.

Michael Sr took the disk and smiled, "actually this was disk 3 of 4. Held by Devon Miles until he passed away, he sent it to the archives in Istanbul for protection of the design. We now have Three of the four".

Sarah looked at Micheal Sr puzzled, "Where are the others?" She asked.

"I was given one for safe keeping, as was Dr Charles Graiman," Michael smiled at Sarah.

Sarah looked shocked at the two men, "My father didn't mention anything about that to me, and I don't know anything about any disk" she trailed off feeling confused. "Where do we even begin looking for it?"

Micheal Sr smiled again, actually I know exactly where the second disk is."

Mike and Sarah exchanged glances. "Where?" They said together.
Micheal Sr looked at the disk again finally feeling like this might just work and finally said to the younger pair, "It's in a secure and private file in KITT 3000. He sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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