The short ride

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The walk through security, the constant hassle of people charging through, so they don't miss they're flight.

Getting on the plane was like a trip to heaven, all the security, and people in my personal space ,sneezing, couching, I finally get a three row seat all to myself, and I get to sit down for 3 hours.

"We're about to take off passengers, please stay seated and keep your seat belts on until we say otherwise, thank you." The flight attendant says .

I count in my head 3...2...1... blast off, as we set off into the sunrise of this beautiful morning.

"We're in the air now passengers, you may unbuckle your seatbelt."

I look out the window and see the clouds, so puffy that it looks like a big cloud in the morning sky.

I pull out my phone, in its white and grey life-proof case, and turn on my music.

It's been about an hour since we have taken off, and I look out my window to see a gleaming of the beautiful ocean.

I hear a bump in the motor, then I feel my stomach begin to fall, everyone on the plane is freaking out, I turn to my side and see metal tables rolling down the aisle to the front of the plane, I look out my window and I see the water coming closer and closer at a time, I freeze in panic, and grab my bag.

I try to prepare myself for the scary disaster that has ruined my vacation.

The plane jerks in a huge sudden movement, then water begins to flood coming from the front. Everyone is going through the front door, the back door, and the emergency exits on the roof. I find a exit and make my way out of the flooding plane. Everyones suitcase is floating at the top of the water.

I swim to the top of the water and my head gets stuck under my suitcase, I swim up and flip my body onto it. I look up and see a helicopter, but it only picks up the parents,kids, and elders.

I looked around and all I saw was a empty ocean, I felt the water soaking into my skinny jeans and blue T-shirt as I swam with my suitcase. I started swimming north when I found a pink suitcase that was being pushed up and down, someone was under the suitcase and drowning. I rush over swimming to save the life of.... I swim over and flop the suitcase over and reach down to feel the touch of a hand to pull up and save.

Its a young girl, looks like she's about 6 or 7.

"Wheres your parents?" I asked the young child as I help her onto the suitcase.

"I don't know, I lost them, can you help me." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Of course I will, I don't exactly know where we are thought, but we will find a way"

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