The Watchmaker.

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- Down the hill lived the watchmaker in solitude.

Being the sole watchmaker in the town, people showed him gratitude. 

" What a grumpy man he is!" snitched the villagers behind his back.

They said, " Isn't he such a paranoid? Maybe he's on crack."

He wasn't in fact a paranoid or a lunatic.

Just a watchmaker who spent most of his days with watches and a bootlick.

But Oh! I would be lying if I said there wasn't something mysterious about him. 

Like, why would he transport heavy machinery when the day got dim?

There was a awful smell to his house. 

But when asked about it he would always say it belonged to his cows. 

But it didn't seem like it. 

The kids in the town didn't like him even a bit.

They said it's the kids whom he killed-

In his house they got milled.

Was I really a paranoid?

Or a mere watchmaker by milling kids who felt overjoyed?

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