chapter 2- autumns interview

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Its autumns first interview since having Olive.
"Good morning baby" says matt.
"good morning Matt" Autumn strokes matts hair and gives it a ruffle to mess it up. He makes a face to her that he is annoyed and she giggles.
"soften up babe it's not a big deal" he groans and turns back over in bed. Autumn stares at him before saying something. "matty today is an important day i got an interview for the first time since giving birth i'm a little scared". Matt faces autumn again.
"i'm sure you'll be fine babe your great with interviews" autumn smiles at matt while she gets up to get ready. She fumbled through her cupboard trying to pick out an outfit she found one and put it up in the air.
"Matt do you like this outfit"
"Babe im trying to sleep" he throws the duvet over his head and digs his head into the pillow.
"okay thanks for responding" she turns back to the cupboard and climbs into the outfit. Autumn took 5 minutes staring into the mirror seeing if she liked it.She had a frown on her face and she groaned. Matt sat up and looked at her.
"what's the matter autumn"
she just looks at him with a frown on her face.
"Matt i feel ugly in this dress i mean i still got the pregnancy bump and i feel fat"
he just stares at her before getting out of the bed and walking over to her. He places his hands on her waist and buries his head into her shoulders.
"you are the most beautiful girl i think i have ever seen and you look lovely don't worry about your weight i think your amazing" She turns around so she is staring at him and she smiles.
"i love you matt"
"i love you too autumn"
He kisses her on the forehead and she giggles at him until the baby starts screaming.
They stare at each other for five minutes until Matt breaks the silence.
"i'll sort it out"
"i'll come to i haven't seen my princess yet"
They walk out together him in his pjs dragging his feet across the floor and her in her dress with her high heels clonking. They get to the babies room and she's kicking off screaming. Matt goes and picks her up she still screams and goes crazy.
"want to go to mummy"
matt gives her to autumn
"i'll go warm up her bottle" matt says
Autumn rocks Olive until she stops crying and settles down she giggles at her.
"it's a big day for mummy today baby i wish i could take you with me" Olive makes baby noises which make autumn smile. Matt walks in with Olives bottle and autumn hands her back and kisses her goodbye she then walks out the room and goes to the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. After she's done she's says goodbye to everyone and gets in her car and drives to the interview. When she gets to it there's paparazzi outside taking photos of her before she walks in she waves and smiles while running inside. She gets greeted by a woman dressed in office clothes who takes her to the room where the interview is being held there is cameras everywhere and the 2 people there greet her with a smile and a handshake she takes her seat and stares around the room before it starts. The cameras start to roll and she smiles and waves at the camera.
The interview has started

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