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-9 years earlier-

"Come on everyone back to class!"

"Hey xavier ! Check this super cool pokemon card i got !"

"Omg isnt it a collector??"

"Yes !!! I've been looking for this one for so long ! Finally maria Carey pokemon fire is in my collection !"

"Ahahah im glad you got it"

10 year old xavier and shrek make their way into class and back to their sit, all the while smilling and laughing at whatever the other said.

"Hey wanna go hang out at my place on saturday ?" Shrek asks.

"Sure ! I can take my new drawing and show it to you then !"

"Oooh is it the one where you drew us as pokemon trainers ??"

"Yeesss ! Youre gonna love it."

"You two nerds are still talking about pokemon ?" Says a girl from behind the two friends.

"Mind you own buisness azula"

"Whoa ! Shreky is getting angry"

Xavier reaches for shrek's hand "Dont shrek. Ignore her."

But azula isnt done with them she seems to really enjoy picking on them since kindergarten.

"You two disgust me. Shrek i used to think you were okay but then you hang out with xavier and you turned into a stupid, disguting, loser." Azula spits this out all the while looking directly at xavier who's starting to feel hot tears forming at the corner of his eyes.


"OH yeah ? Try me."

As they are about to fight the teacher stops them and sends them both to the principal's office.

After school xavier and shrek walk back home together.

"Im tired of being bullied" shrek says.

"I know. But she'll have to stop one day, right ?" Says xavier, hopefull.

"I dont think she will."

Shrek is in bad shape what happened today might have been la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.

As they arrive to the usual place they go their separate ways xavier grabs shrek by the shoulders "Dont think about it too much. As long As we got each other everything will be alright."

Shrek gives him a small smile "yeah."

With this said they say goodbye to eachother and go back home.

The next day shrek is silent he barely says a Word. Normaly he is pretty energetic and cheerfull and in front of this situation xavier doesnt know how to react.

Later that day as xavier comes back from the toilet he cannot seem to find his friend. Its pretty quiet in the school, everyone is leaving to go home.
But shrek and xavier go home together and shrek was supposed to wait for xavier.

The boy starts to panic what if he left whithout him ? With his strange behavior lately did he do something wrong ? Did he not wanted to be friends with him anymore because of what azula said ?

Oh no. Oh no no no.

"Shrek ?" He calls as he searchs for him everywhere.

Finally near the hall he hears voices.

"Shrek ?"

His fears become even worse as xavier sees shrek talking with azula. But they're too Far away he cant hear what they're saying.

Tears roll down xavier's cheeks.

What if they were talking about him ?

After à while they part ways and xavier sits on the floor still crying his heart out.

Suddenly he hears footsteps approching him.

Oh no what if its shrek ? He cant see him like this.

Xavier Drys his tears as fast as possible, when he looks up it isnt shrek its jésus christ.

They talk to each other from time to time and hes always a Nice person to play with.

"OH no." He says, "you okay ?"


"Im so sorry did you hear what they said about you ?"

Xavier freezes, he heard them ? And they were talking about him ?

"No what did they say ?"

His heart pounds in his chest.

"Azula convinced shrek to stop hanging out with you, he even said he didnt wanted to be your friend since the very first day. he just pitied you."

Xavier's heart sinks. No... that couldnt be possible. Shrek pitied him ? He never wanted to be his friend ?
How could he ?!

Xavier bursts out crying, he quikly stands up and runs away he gets past the school gate and makes his way home.
That night he didnt sleep he only cried and cried until no tears were left (aint no tears left to cry by Arianna grande).

The next day he didnt go to school. He spend the day with his mom who tried her best to comfort him.

Altough at some point he had to go back to school and when he did he ignored shrek the whole day.
Shrek on the other hand acted as if nothing happened but with xavier running away from him he eventually gave up. And by the end of the day shrek was hanging out with azula and her friends.

Xavier had never been so heartbroken, he sat down next to a tree and got a paper out of his pocket. Hes holding onto the drawing of him and shrek as pokemon trainers.
As he stares at the drawing he never got to show his friend, tears fall from his eyes.

The day we found each other again. Where stories live. Discover now