you're pretty.

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"Can you lend me your eraser xavier ?" Asks la marraine la fée.


This class is boring. Xavier looks out the window, it snowed yesterday and everything looks way prettier under the snow here in nevermore.
As xavier's current occupation is analizing the footstep's marks in the snow and guessing where they went and why the teacher speaks up.

"For next week i want you to make a presentation about the murderer of your choice, you'll have to work in pairs."

Welp time to find someone to work with. Xavier looks around in search for a friend to make eye contact with and ask them to be his partner.

Everyone seems to have found someone, although he notices shrek not Caring at all about whats happening.
Xavier walks up to him "hey, you dont have a group ?"

"No, you ?"

"Me neither. Wanna do it together ?"


"Class is over everyone you wont have class time to do this assigment. Now shoo shoo !"

"You're big on murderers ?"

"Not really."

"Me neither ahah."
Shrek packs his stuff and says "well, i'll text you okay ?"


He leaves the class and xavier goes back to his own desk to grab his things.
As he is about to leave enid asks "who's jacket is that?"

The few students who havent left already all answer no but xavier knows who that belongs to.

"Give it to me it's shrek's i can give it to him."

"There you go." Enid gives him the jacket and he leaves the classroom in search for shrek.

By all logic he must be in his dorm. So thats where xavier is heading.

Xavier now stands in front of shrek's dorm but he doesnt knock. Somehow this feels awkward, but why ? This is just a jacket its no big deal.
He takes a big inspiration and finally knocks.

The door opens.

"Xavier ?"

"Hi, i- hum, you forgot your jacket in class." He hands out the jacket to him and shrek takes it.

"Thanks i didnt even notice." He laughs.

"You're welcome."

"Well- since you're here, do you want to start working on the assigment ?"

"Hum... sure."

Shrek opens the door more to let him in and he walks inside.

Everything is now even more awkard now that he stands in his friend's room.
Being all alone, here, with Him.
Xavier brushes the thought away and looks around the room.

Its pretty spacious, shrek's bed stands in the corner of the room. It has multiple plushies on it most of them are pokemons.
Xavier had expected the room to be messy but its actually pretty well kept, guess shrek isnt like he thought he'd be.

"Go ahead and get comfortable im gonna get my laptop."

Xavier nods and sits on the bed. Next to him lies a Mariah carey plushie, as he takes it in his hands he notices five more of them all of different sizes and styles. Xavier chuckles "you still really like this pokemon huh ?"

The Green man looks his way and smiles "yeah, am i that obvious ?"


"Which one's your favorite ?"

"Nicos Aliagas"

"Ooh Nice one indeed. I really like his evolution."

"Right ? He's the best."

Shrek comes closer and sits next to xavier on the bed with his laptop on his thighs.

"Talking about pokemons, do you still have that drawing of us as pokemon trainers ?"

"Oh god i dont know, maybe but if i still have it its back at my house."

"Could you look for it when you go back ?"

"Yeah, sure." Xavier hesitates for a second but then he speaks up,
"Do you still have all the drawings i gave you ?"

Their eyes meet when shrek says "i do.", "they're back at the swamp. L'âne always says you're very talented everytime he sees them."

Shrek sighs "i really miss my swamp, talking about it Just makes me want to go home and take a good bath of gadoue."

"Ahah still so passionate about your swamp."

"Some things never change." And when shrek says those words hes not only talking about the swamp but xavier doesnt need to know that.

"We gotta catch up from all those years." Shrek says. "Wanna do something this week-end? To talk and stuff ?"

"Why not. Where do you want to go ?"

"I have a spot in mind, but its a secret." He smirks.

It kinda sounds like a date doesnt it ? No of course not, shrek means to hang out.

"You trying to be mysterious isnt working."

"Oh yeah ? Well you trying to act like you didnt liked me didnt work either." He says smilling.

"What ? I really didnt like you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah i dont believe that."

"Oh my god."

They start arguing all the while laughing and smilling.

"What ? What's wrong ? Oh wait- are you blushing ?" He reaches his hand to touch xavier's cheek but he pushes it away.

"Get your eyes checked out im not blushing."

The Brown haired boy tries to hit shrek but he catches his hand and wont let go of it.
When xavier tries to free himself with his other hand shrek catches this one too making the boy completly defenseless.

He then puts all his Weight on xavier making him fall on the bed. Shrek is now on top of him, and as they stare at each other shrek whispers,

"You're pretty."

As he says this xavier stops breathing, he doesnt know what to respond.
His heart beats so loud he's afraid shrek might hear it.

Somehow right now, he just want to laugh. He tries to contain it but he fails. Shrek doesnt take long to join him and starts laughing too.

He then lets go of xavier's wrists and falls on the bed next to him.

Time goes by and subjects of conversations come and goes and just like that its already late and the two boys did not work at all.

"I should go" says xavier.

"Already ?"

"Its late."

"Let me take you back."

"Shrek !"

"What ?"

"Whatever, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."
When xavier gets back to his dorm his head is a mess. Heart still racing, he thinks about what happenned today. He's been in denial for too long, it isnt what he planned but theres no point in denying it, he likes shrek.

The day we found each other again. Where stories live. Discover now