001: Origin

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Nagito's POV:

Ah, today is such a nice day outside... walking around the city is just an amazing experience. I get to see the world with my own two eyes. Today is so beautiful. The skies are blue and the clouds are white and fluffy...I guess my luck today with the weather is wonderful. 

Ah, would you look at that...a drink vending machine...i should get something from there... Let's see if I have 100 yen... 

*Goes through pocket looking for 100 yen* 

Ah, just my luck...found some...now let's see....what do I want...?

Third-person POV:

Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student was in the alleyway, at one of the drink vending machines deciding on what he wants. Suddenly, two people, both wearing white lab coats, black glasses, and black gloves appear in the alleyway as well, Nagito doesn't even notice them. "Is he the subject..?" one of them says. The other nods their head and takes out a tranquilizer gun. Then, they use their communication device to get back to the facility. "It appears we have found our subject. the subject from our latest project. Project: Bombyx. 

 "Ah...decisions...I still can't decide on- NH-!" Nagito was then shot with a tranquilizer dart in the neck. The dart looked like a somewhat advanced version of a normal dart. Instead of red feathers on it, it was silvery-white colored feathers. "Ah...what the....who shot this at me..." Nagito explained while feeling tired. Suddenly, Nagito collapsed to the floor. The two people then grabbed Nagito and puts handcuffs on his wrists and then carried him to a white van parked in the alleyway. They threw Nagito in the back of the van and closed the van's trunk door. The two people got in the van and drove off to the facility. 

It turns out, Nagito's day has gone from lucky, to extremely unlucky. 

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