003: Change and Fluctuation

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Time of Day: Morning.

Third Person POV:

It was then the next day.

Komaeda slowly opened his eyes looking up at the ceiling of his cell room. He got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and stretched, trying to awaken more. Just then, a little compartment of the cell opened up revealing a glass of Orange Juice and a piece of plain toast on a tray. Komaeda then took the tray of food and sat it down on his bed and began to eat slowly. He really didn't know what else to do, since he was confined. All he could think about was getting out. All he could do was hope. Hoping to find a way out of this facility.

Komaeda then looked at the plate of sweet leaves on a small table in the corner of his cell. "Hmmmm..why are there leaves on a plate here?" he questioned. Something about the atmosphere didn't feel normal at all. Since he was a Test Subject at this facility, he knew that the scientist would do experiments on him and change him completely. Komaeda then drank the Orange Juice in his cup slowly, feeling refreshed by the sweet citrus flavor. He then notices a small white pill also on the tray. He came to the conclusion that, whatever the scientists give him, he has to take. Komaeda then took the small white pill and put it into his mouth and then he drank the rest of the Orange juice contained in the cup, washing down the pill. Komaeda's guess was that was an energy supplement, possibly giving him energy for today's activities. He didn't know what the scientists were going to do to him today, he hoped it wasn't anything painful. 

Suddenly, a woman scientist, with blonde hair, pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a white lab coat, carrying a clipboard, walked up to Komaeda's glass box cell. She then tapped the glass wall of the cell, with her pen to get Komaeda's attention. Komaeda looked over his shoulder, seeing the woman. The woman waved at Komaeda, seeming friendly. Komaeda just stared at her, scared inside. The woman began taking notes down on her clipboard, taking notes on Komaeda's actions. Komaeda got scared of the woman, so he hid underneath the bed blankets. Komaeda was shaking, he didn't like being observed or watched like this. Just as he took the covers off his head, his wrist was grabbed harshly, by another scientist. "AH- HEY! What's going on..." Komaeda said, quietly.  Komaeda was then taken, into an interrogation room. Komaeda was then sat down in a chair, the guards then put another pair of handcuffs on him and the person who was interrogating him was the woman with the clipboard. The woman smiled at Komaeda happily, Komaeda had no expression on his face, due to the energy supplement he took, which was not working right. 

"Hello there....." the woman started. Komaeda was just scared. He didn't like this room at all. All alone. With this random woman scientist. he didn't feel safe. "I'm here to gather information on you before you go through a fluctuating state known as Metamorphosis." said the woman. Komaeda was now scared. Even more scared than before. Metamorphosis...? Isn't that what butterflies and moths go through? he thought to himself. "Tell me, what's your name?" the woman asked, tapping her pen on the clipboard. Komaeda didn't know how to respond to that, so he pulled down his left sleeve, revealing the "055" marking on his left shoulder. "Ah, so you are Test Subject #055, the one going through the last project known as Project: Bombyx?" Komaeda was confused. "Uh...umm...what...exactly is this project..?" Komaeda asks curiously.

 "Ah, so you do speak....Well, the project...us scientists are going to give you Moth characteristics." "Uh...what do you mean...characteristics?" Komaeda questions. "We will be giving you moth wings and moth antennae, the wings and antennae coming from the Domestic Silk Moth, also in scientific terms, Bombyx Mori. You will also experience slight fluffiness in your hair still,  around your neck, around your wrists and experience a black gradient color to your hands fading up to your normal skin color." the scientist explained more. Komaeda didn't know what to say after hearing this. Suddenly, Komaeda was injected into the neck with a sleeping liquid, causing him to collapse again. 

What this meant for Komaeda, 

meant that this was his arc

Fluctuating from Komaeda to...


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