1.3 - Conferens, se praeparat ad scandere montem ad sidera

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The funeral was a basic closed casket, and he ultimately decided to lay old Quarrel to rest outside of Altihex. For those first few vorns, it was difficult for the young mech to adjust to living without guidance. However, despite his guardian's less-than-perfect timing, Steel continued to go on with life.

Over time, he began to work his way through the ranks of Iacon law enforcement, managing to gain his spot as a covert-ops scout. However, recently Steel's been having an impending sense of doom regarding his hail to Iacon's main law office. For each time a rookie gets called up to covert ops, each time that rookie doesn't make it back.

Alive, anyway.

The older bots he conversed with spoke of many events that cascaded during the war, though none of them had actually been there to see the final battle. It always went the same in that every bot had something new to add to the pile of rumours. If only he could find some bot who was actually there. Steel often found himself pondering how the war could've ended, though he kept his thoughts to himself. Quarrel always spoke of the final battle as though it had taken place in some over glorified system light years away, iterating that the desperation of the Autobots wasn't the only thing that allowed them to win.
'If the Decepticons better managed themselves, we would've lost.'
He then went on to explain a great deal of rumours seeing as he wasn't there at the time, instead stuck fighting pirates for his ship in the Badlands of Hopak Nine. Now that the old grump is gone, Steel is starting to doubt it all. Did he make it up? Was he looking to flaunt his superiority to a New Spark?

Speaking of superiors, he finds himself walking into the main entrance, insignia on full display from his rounded off shoulder plating. In his pondering one could likely run into him without resistance, his visor dimmed and situational awareness shunted. His greatest fault is and always will be periods of time such as this, with his inability to stay guarded even in the face of duty. He's lucky there's no danger yet.

Focusing back to reality, the usually calming view of the well-lit headquarters strikes nothing but anxiety.

Earlier, he'd received word of a call, and from the sounds of it, may be the biggest bust of his freshly started career. There's been a lot of disappearances lately. Bots of all types have been taken, be it a clone or a triple changer, whoever it is doesn't discriminate. If they didn't show up at one of the many 'display' sites utilized by the Decepticons, they usually never showed up. As part of this new covert-ops bunch, Steel knew they are the only ones still looking. This tip, suggesting a sighting outside the city, may just be the key to finding them. He just hopes they're still alive.

His unit chief, Sprocket, and the receptionist greet him as he makes his way through the entrance foyer, leading him towards the debrief room.

"A lovely solar cycle, isn't it?" Steel says, the formality of small talk his favourite part of the job.

"Indeed. The drive here was enjoyable." The unit chief said, smile crossing his features. Steel gave a curt nod, his form of a polite smile seeing as he had no face to express himself with. A thick polarized visor that looked like a glass bowl held steadfast in its place.

"I got the call... another raid?"

"More like an anonymous tip."

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