thirty-six || violets and visions

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A/N: Surprise! I'm not dead, I just work a job like Hopper and can't get much time to myself. This chapter and the following are ones I've been so excited for since first plotting this sequel, I hope you all enjoy! A big set up for what's to come lies within these chapters :) - Mel

"Okay, we've got a little no-dancing Kevin Bacon action with Quicksilver, and then," Steve cleared his throat before dropping his voice low, "The Vindicator!" He wiggled his eyebrows, flashing the first two VHS tapes fresh from the video store in town to Billy and Tatum on the sofa. "Big Terminator vibes."

Tate's lips pursed, legs tucked underneath her and Billy wedged in at her side. She dumped a bag of M&Ms into her popcorn bowl, two others set out among varied drinks on the coffee table. "What else do we have?"

"Sheesh, I didn't expect you to be picky," Steve sighed. He turned around to set down the first two, but whipped around with two others and held the covers out. "Or did I? Chuck Norris Delta Force!" he said with an extended drawl, his voice going back to the raspy presenter tone. "And," he coughed to level himself back out, "FX. Some gangster double crossing and prosthetics type thing."

A pleased hum left her mouth, both from the last M&M in the packet being dropped into her mouth and of the last option. "That reminds me of the book I was reading. Can we do that one?"

"Nailed it," Steve, said, pointing the FX tape in her direction before spinning on his heel to get the player going.

Billy's nose scrunched as he watched Tate add a handful of pretzels to her popcorn mixture. "What's happening right now?"

Steve's head snapped over his shoulder, but his eyes met Tate's first. She was already feigning a scowl, the pair warranting a repulsed look in Billy's direction.

"Movie night pop-fetti. Did they teach you nothing while I was gone?" Tate asked as she shuffled the bowl to mix it together. She scoffed with a flare and tossed a handful of marshmallows into hers, then reached over to add some to Steve's. "Come on, Steve."

"Hey, we're still new roomies," Steve defended as he hit the play button on the VCR. He curved the coffee table and plopped down on the other end of the couch. "We were getting there." He tore open the corner of an M&M's packet and shook it into his bowl before leaning into the couch and tucking it into his lap. "Now we're here. Go crazy, Billy Boy."

"I-" Tate held in a laugh as she watched Billy, Steve's gaze already set ahead on the opening scene of the movie.

Billy's eyes flickered shut for just a moment before he reached for a box of junior mints and opened the top. He slowly rested back into the sofa with just the box in his hand and poured a couple into his palm, warranting Tate half a glance before dumping them into his mouth. "Maybe I'll get there, but it's not today," he told her as she grinned between bites.

Billy Boy? she mouthed, nose scrunched up with an unbearable smile.

He rolled his eyes, lifting an arm to tuck Tate underneath. He pulled her hair over her shoulder as she settled in and shook his head gently.

Tate rifled through the bowl, growing more comfortable by the second as she rested against Billy to the opening credits. Damn, she missed a good movie. Bright colors flared against tired eyes, the hum of the background track earning a warm smile.

But it quickly fell.

Static pulled at her ears, sizzling in from one to the other and forcing her head to turn towards the door.

Although there wasn't a knock, as soon as her eyes hit the phone, it started to ring.

Tate's lips parted, followed close by furrowed brows.

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