Chapter 1

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(None of the boys have been kidnapped yet and everyone is 15 except Vance and Bruce who are 16 and Gwen and Amy who are 13)
finneys pov:
"FINNEY BLAKE! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW." my sister Gwenny screamed "ITS 7:20AM AND WE HAVE TO WALK!" she kept screaming, i could hear my alarm ring and ring as she was screaming at me. I smacked the alarm off "oh your finally awake? com'n we have to leave in 20 minutes." she was about to leave but i stopped her "wait..why can't dad just drive us?" i felt groggy and tired, i had 3 hours of sleep and I felt sick, I was in no mood to be walking to school, especially because it's 20 minutes away. She sighed "he left for work an hour ago, he wasn't very happy so either way i don't think we would've gotten a ride to school anyway. Now up." She was 2 years younger than me yet acts 10 years older, I'm 15 and she's 13 yet it feels like she's 23 with the way she talks to me. She closed my door and i finally got up, i walked over to my closet and picked an outfit, flairy jeans and a black and white stripy shirt

(smth like this) and brushed my teeth, i then packed my bag and walked to gwen "you ready?" she asked, that's such a stupid question in my eyes, if I look ready then i'm most likely ready

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(smth like this)
and brushed my teeth, i then packed my bag and walked to gwen
"you ready?" she asked, that's such a stupid question in my eyes, if I look ready then i'm most likely ready.
"yeah, let's go." I started walking away and Gwen followed.

we walked past a missing poster, it was some random kid. I normally know who they are every time we walk past the posters like last time it was a boy from my class, Luke. I didn't actually know him he was just loud and obnoxious so it was hard to not acknowledge him. I just walked past the poster, normally i'd ask Gwen the same question every morning 'do you think they'll ever find them?' but i've decided to stop asking that, mainly because it's obvious Gwen didn't like the topic but also because every time her answer was "not how they want to." and it broke me every time.

Me and Gwen were just talking about random things, we were 5 minutes away from school and it was 7:55am when suddenly we heard people chanting "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" what's going on now? "What's going on?" I ask Gwen "like I know, i'm stood here with you! Let's go look!" the cheek on her is insane but i still love her, i rolled my eyes and followed her, to no surprise Robin Arellano was standing in the middle of the circle and..Moose? Okay maybe that was a surprise, Moose was gonna challenge the Robin Arellano to a fight? Funny.
"You think you're so tough, huh?" Moose asked Robin "Let's find out." Robin didn't sound scared, probably because he knew his strength but Moose was strong too, of course i'd know as he was a bully of mine. "I will pound you like a nail, you scrawny little 🤫" Moose said, wow did he really just call Robin that? "Then do it." Robin said, "Unless you're scared." Robin once again said, at this point their both just getting each other into more shit and then all of a sudden Moose went to hit Robin but he dodged, Robin kicked Moose and Robin started punching Moose in the nose and all this shit happened "Com'n Let's go, Let's go." i said to Gwen, it was too bloody and we were going to be late well, we will be anyway as we have 5 minutes left to walk and it's 8am and school starts at 8:10 but by the time we go to classes and blah blah we're most likely to be late especially if we didn't start walking now. "Awe, why'd we have to go?" Gwen asked "because it was getting to bloody and we're gonna be late." I replied, it wasn't wrong but I also just didn't want to watch anymore "yeah but that was moose! he bullies you and-" she kept rambling like i wasn't there "Gwen stop it, i know who it was and what he done. I was there, remember?" I just wanted to drop this conversation and start a new one, so we did. "When do you reckon this whole 'grabber' thing will stop? like the kidnapping." I know I wanted to talk about something else but not this! "I don't know Gwen, I just wish you wouldn't call him that." I hated it when she called him 'The Grabber' because of a rumour, if you say his name you'll be his next victim, I don't usually believe in that stuff but this, this feels like I have to "What 'the Grabber'? everybody calls him that! even the papers!" She wasn't wrong, they do "I just..I wish you wouldn't say his name." I hate his name, I mean who wouldn't he's a kidnapper? "You don't actually believe that story, do you?" She asked, I know it's stupid but yes, i do. "No." I gave her an answer, it just wasn't an honest answer. "Because he can't hear you, he doesn't really take kids that say it." She said, maybe it was right but I didn't wanna take chances "i know that." I didn't and I guess she could tell because she just said "Finney." "I said I know!" I protested back but it's obvious I don't believe it "Then say it!" She tried to get me to say HIS name "No!" I chuckled a bit, I loved how determined she is "Are you a chicken?" She must've noticed my smile drop after that because she said shortly after "I didn't mean it." I hated when she done that voice, it was full of pity and sadness "I know." I smiled, a fake one but it was good enough to convince her.

I would like to say we're finally at school but to be honest I just want to run away already, escape it but I can't. "Do you want me to walk you to your class?" I ask Gwen like I always do "I don't know why you act like we're new here, i've been here for nearly a year now and you've been here for nearly 3." she said, she wasn't wrong it's true, i'm year 9 (Grade 8 I think? idk) and she's year 7. "Okay then I can stop asking" I rolled my eyes and she just laughed "bye Finney, i'll walk with you after school" she smiled and ran off to her 'friend's' but they weren't even her real friends, they just talk about her behind her back and i always feel so bad.
It's now 8:06 i have 4 minutes before form starts, I start walking but i see my bullies walk towards me, fuck it I guess i'm running to the bathrooms, I hide in the last bathroom stall like always, I sit with my knees up to my chest and my bag behind me "Come on out, dick weed." one of them says "Not fooling anyone", "What are you doing in our bathroom? huh?", "See the sign? it says 'boys'" the other says, to be honest i'm not paying attention to who's speaking "Yeah, boys, not fags." i'm not a fag though. I opened the bathroom stall, there was no point in hiding when all of a sudden the door swings open, of course to my luck pinball Vance and Robin Arellano walk through.
"dipshits, move." Robin says as Vance just death glares them
"Hey, what's happening?" Robin smiles at me like he knows me, it's obvious neither of them did otherwise I think they would've said at least my name by now.
"You know just, keeping on keeping on, i guess." I smiled, again a fake one but it was good enough.
"uh huh" Vance said, does he even speak? I don't even know.
"Moose got some damn sharp teeth, it hasn't stopped bleeding" Robin said, whys he acting like he knows me? Sure we share like 5 classes out of I don't know how many classes but, no body knows me, people forget my presence most of the time and even my classmates forget I exist, sometimes even my own dad but he's drunk most of the time so that's no surprise. Matty and his group were about to leave when Vance stopped them "wait." he said, I guess he does talk just not much.
"Fuck with him again, I fuck with you." Robin finished Vance's sentence, why would they do this for me? They don't even know my name.
"You can leave now." Vance says and so they did.
"Why'd you guys do that for? So you can beat me up yourself?" I must admit the last bit slipped out of my mouth, I wasn't going to say that but here we are.
"Listen here you cunt-" Vance was about to shout at me you could tell
"Vance stop it, no we weren't gonna beat you up I just didn't want to see another kid get beaten up by them." Robin answers.
"Wait aren't you that kid they call uh, Mr.Forgettable or something? Why do they call you that?" Robin continues, he isn't wrong everyone calls me that, they call me it because I'm a person who can easily be forgotten.
"They call him it because everyone forgets him, people forget his presences and that he even exists, keep up Robin jeez" Vance rolled his eyes in a playful way, Vance knows everything, scary if you ask me
"Yeah, that's why." I replied, I was late to first lesson and I had already skipped form, this day was going so great haha.
"Oh, well, what's your actual name?" Robin asked, why does he want to know so much?
"Finney, Finney Blake." I smiled
"I'm guessing you know who we are but, it's nice to meet you Finney Blake. Would you like to skip with me and Vance?" Robin asked, I probably shouldn't
"I, I don't think I should sorry." I said, I couldn't wait to run out of here
"Oh com'n Finney Blake, it'd be fun!" Vance said for fuck sakes maybe i'll give it a try
"Fine. But i'm going to second lesson." Why did I give in?

a/n: I'm leaving this here because now I have more to write next chapter which will probably be out later today or tomorrow but that's my first chapter done!


Mr.Forgettable.//Rinney Where stories live. Discover now