Chapter 2

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Tw; slight mentions of abuse in the second little paragraph and fourth paragraph!!!
Finneys pov:
Why am i here again? I don't belong with the two strongest kids in the school so why'd they even invite me?
"So Finney blake," why does Vance use my full name?

"You can just call me Finney." I hate it when people use my full name, it reminds me when my dad would shout at me and hit me for doing nothing wrong.

"Right, Finney. We're thinking of just skipping today all together, you coming or?" it's bad enough i've skipped form and skipping this lesson

"look I, I really shouldn't, I shouldn't even be skipping right now. My dad would kill me, i'm lucky enough if he doesn't kill me for this." I'm not wrong, my dad will absolutely murder me and if not murder i'll at least get hit with a belt but i'm not going to tell them that.

"Oh come on Finn! It'd be fun and you can meet the rest of the group, wait shit Vance we're late to meeting the others." Robin said, wait did he call me Finn? And there's more people?

"Oh shit yeah, are you coming Blake or not?" Vance said, first it was Finney Blake then it was just Finney which was fine but now it's Blake? What's next, a name that isn't even close to mine? Anyway I guess it couldn't hurt, maybe I could make some friends.

"Fine yeah, but if my dad finds out i'm fucking dead." I wasn't wrong, I am dead if my dad finds out.

"don't worry about it Blake, we have our ways. The school won't say shit" Vance said, at this point I knew I shouldn't have said yes.

"Okay but I have to walk my sister home so we HAVE to be back by the end of the day." I always walk Gwen home, if I don't I feel really bad especially with this whole 'grabber' situation

"Don't worry Finn, we'll be back! Vance can drive so he'll probably drive us and take you home." He smiled, I shouldn't be doing this but it's too late now, Robin grabbed my wrist and all of a sudden were at the front desk and Vance is screaming at her, it wasn't working so I stepped in.

"Vance stop, listen here lady, if you don't mark us in for the rest of the day and tell our parents we left i'll get you fired, I know your having an affair with one of the teachers here." I guess being 'Mr.Forgettable' is actually pretty handy as people just tell everyone everything completely forgetting that i'm right behind them, I overheard this from some girls sat in front of me one time in class.

"How do you know that? What have you been hearing." She asked, she sounded scared.

"That doesn't matter, do as I say or you loose your job." The only reason i'm doing this is so I don't get in trouble. Robin and Vance stood there shocked, I can't blame them Finney Blake has just threatened somebody, never thought i'd be doing that myself.

"Fine! have it your way, you're free to go." she said

"Thank you." I smiled and we walked out the door

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Robin screamed, Vance was laughing at it and how scared she got.

"DID YOU SEE HOW SCARED SHE GOT?!" Vance blurted out in between laughs.

"Yeah haha, now come on before I have to do that to anymore teachers." That's a lie I wasn't gonna but whatever

"I'm starting to like you already Blake, now come on let's get in the car." Vance said, he took us to the car, it was just a white van, he made me get in the back as him and Robin sat in the front

"Is this even safe, there's literally no seats behind here stuff? Holy shit are you guys in a band?" It didn't really surprise me, they kind of look like they'd be in a band

Mr.Forgettable.//Rinney Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora