Chapter 4

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Robins pov:
I have no clue what's going on everything's a big blur all I know is Finneys hugging me and it's the most warmest and comforting hug i've had in years.

"Robin have you eaten anything today?" Finney asked me while still not letting go

"Yes Finn, I have I ate breakfast." That was partly true, I ate a bit of my breakfast buttt I was late so I didn't finish it.

"What about water? There has to be a reason you fainted, people don't just faint for no reas-" Finn kept talking so I just pushed his head into my shoulder slightly

"Finn, be quiet. I just fainted i'm fine." I said, I felt fine anyway and i'm sure it wouldn't happen again so there was no point in worrying about it.

"see what I mean?! Gay!" Vance shouted and Finney jumped a bit

"Vance i'm not gay." I said, I mean I am gay and i've excepted that but i'm just not ready to come out to the group, they all probably know and I know that they'll all be supportive but im just not ready.

"Even if Robin was gay I'm not allowed to be gay so it'd never work" Finney mumbled into my shoulder, those words broke me but I couldn't show it. I've loved Finney since we were young but i've always thought that's how best friends feel for each other however as I grew older I realised, those feelings were because I loved Finney.

"What do you mean by 'not allowed to be gay'?" Griffin spoke up, Griffin doesn't say a lot but whenever he does he's either really funny or really questionable.

"It's just the way I was raised, i've learnt it's not bad for someone else to be gay but as soon as i'm 'gay' or anything i'm just a weirdo." Finney spoke up and the room fell silent, he finally backed away from the hug and i'm guessing he saw everyone stare at me and that my eyes were glossy because he said

"Wait did I say or do something wrong? Why do you look like your about to cry?" Finns voice sounded worried and I didn't want to worry him anymore, he put his soft hands on my cheek and I heated up slightly I just hoped he didn't realise.

"Yeah Finn i'm fine it's just I, never mind haha i'm okay." My chuckle was so fake and everyone in the room could tell.

"So uh, I heard there was a fair later, at 5. Anyone wanna go with me?" Billy asked, i'm guessing he wanted to change the subject and stop the awkward tension.

"I can go." Vance spoke up, Vance is always available to go anywhere and everywhere, I have no clue how

"I can probably go, I'll just need to take Amy if that's okay." Bruce said, Amy's like a little sister to all of us, she's funny, sweet and sassy. A little bit like how Gwen used to be when she was younger, wether she's still like that i'm not sure but she probably is.

"Yeah that should be fine, what about you three, are you okay to go?" Billy asked and smiled directing the question towards me, Finn and Griffin.

"I'll be allowed to go, my mother had already said I can do anything today." Griffin said

"I'll probably be allowed to go" I said smiling, I loved the random plans we all made so I didn't wanna miss out.

"I can only go if I can bring Gwenny, otherwise I can't sorry." Finn spoke, he sounded kind of sad.

"That's completely okay, I look forward to meeting her, she sounds funny." Billy smiled at Finney and Finn instantly lit up, he done his cute smile and sort of flapped his hands, I don't know why he done it but it was adorable.

"Really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Finn kept repeating himself and hugged Billy

"Why would we care? If Amy can come then of course Gwen could." Billy hugged Finn back and in a way, I wished that was me in his arms again but I could only have so much I guess.

"Sorry i've just had friends in the past who wouldn't let me come for needing to bring her along." Finn said.

"Oh well you can bring your siblings anywhere Finn! I always do it" Bruce said  and smiled at Finn, I still hate it when he calls Finney Finn.

"So it's settled, we're going to the fair at 5?" Vance asked and everyone replied with "yeah"

A/N: It's 3:05am and I literally cannot write anymore or i'm gonna pass out from exhaustion 💀 sooo next chapter i'm gonna make it really long and have rinney in it to make up for it so yay! anyway goodnight yall <33

Mr.Forgettable.//Rinney Where stories live. Discover now