Prologue - I

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Clementine Aphrodite Squire grew up a quiet girl. She was taught to be proper and formal in order to become a young lady. Of course Clementine did not want this. She wanted her own life. But she had no say over what was to happen to her.

Over time, she grew up. She forgot her past delusions of being her own person and grew up to fit into society. But what she didn't know, was that she was not the ordinary woman. No. She was far from that.

You see, when Clementine was only 4 years of age, before she could now remember, her father had died of an awful disease. Her mother had always told her that her father was a sailor who was always away on voyages to settle arguments between settlements. Young Clementine was too naïve to realise the truth, so without question, believed her mother on all she told her about her father.

As Clementine aged, her mother died. Clementine was only 16 when she was left on her own and brought into the wrong hands. Since she was only young and this was France, the girl was placed into the so-called 'care' of her aunt, Madame Thérnadier.

Her aunt was an awful excuse of a woman. Clementine's mother was nothing like her sister. See Clementine's mother, Anette Thérnadier, was a beautiful woman. Luscious, healthy, brown hair with stunning straightness and not a hair out of place. Whereas, her sister, Therese Thérnadier, had the same brown hair, but it had fallen into great disrepair. Greasy, split-ended, curled and frizzy. Not even to mention style.

Anette was a gorgeous woman. Sage green dresses, black heeled-boots, white, silk gloves and black jackets. She was a stunning sight and could never be compared to another. Let alone Therese. Therese wore pale brown dresses with red heels. Her dresses were torn and heels muddied. Jackets were ripped and no gloves at all.

Now as we all know, never judge a person by their looks! Although, Therese was the exception. She was the most heartless and horrible person one could ever meet. Her distasteful looks matched perfectly with her disgusting personality. She had no pity on others and always blamed others for her own problems. Except for one.. her daughter.

Her daughter was the same age as Clementine. Her daughter was the spitting image of Therese. Her daughter was just like looking at Therese as a 16 year-old again. And this dreadful young girl's name was Claudette. Claudette had been brought up by Therese and her ex-husband, Jacques. Jacques was quite the character in Claudette's life. Not in a good way.

Jacques looked like Therese, but in masculine form. Ugly, rude, selfish and evil. Jacques and Therese were so awful that they couldn't stand one another. Having the same personality traits in repugnant people who are 'in love' is not a good way to bring up a child. No wonder Claudette was so messed up.

In Clementine's time in her aunt's 'care', Claudette used her as a servant. Claudette would call on her for the smallest of things and the largest of chores. She would hurt her physically and mentally, no matter how kind Clementine would try to be.

By the time Clementine was 18, she had enough. She decided it was time to move. She packed her things, which admittedly weren't many, walked out the door for the final time and flipped off her 'family' as she did so.

What happens next you ask? Wait until the story begins.

Hiii!! So this is something I've spent a lot of planning on. Clementine is basically an excuse for me to fit Helena Bonham Carter into Pirates Of The Caribbean ngl! (The picture at the start of the chapter is how I want her to look, but I know some of you may imagine her differently) Anyway I hope you guys liked the introduction to the story! Ty for reading!!

(Yes. That is my real name. Ik I'm lucky)

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