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Bold italic: Jack's thoughts
Italic: Clementine's thoughts/ whispering*

*(Whispering only applies in quotation marks)

As Clementine walked out the door, she finally felt free. She had never felt so in-control. It was her 18th birthday on this very day. She was now old enough for many things. But one thing had to be done first.

Clementine turned her head to the door she had left open, to see her aunt stood there looking dumbfounded. The now 18-year-old girl began walking backwards so she could get a good look at her aunt's expression.

"Get back here this instant! You horrible, little wretch!"

Clementine was not amused by the statement. She put her hands up in front of her and flipped off the older woman.

As she held her arms there, she turned back around and started walking normally again. Yet she raised her arms high into the air, turned them around and continued to hold her middle finger up at her aunt.


In Tortuga, Captain Jack sparrow and crew mates Elizabeth Swan and Will Turner were in a bar

"You know what would be fun?" Asked a very drunk Elizabeth.

"What?" Asked Will.

"If we went to Paris!" She answered, laughing like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Will began to laugh with her. Jack, however, remained solemn. He was not quite as affected by the alcohol as his friends, but he was still quite tipsy.

"Go to Paris, eh?" He asked. "Could work. I mean we do need to head by there at some point. I've got this friend, Richard Squire, bloody good pirate, who I haven't seen in a while. Last I heard, he had a daughter and a wife. Dunno if the rumours about old Squire are true."

"Then let's go! Please Jack. I'd love to see Paris. It's my dream!" Elizabeth begged the man. Eventually, Jack decided they'd set course for Paris tomorrow at sunrise.


Two years had passed and Clementine was now an apprentice blacksmith. She spent her days making swords, though she never used them, and earned herself some money. She lived in the apartment above the workshop, with the owner and his family. They had become like a family to Clementine.

The owner of the trade was an older man named August Farnadéir, who was around the age of 60. His wife, Rosette, was around 45. Their marriage was arranged, yet they still fell in love even with them being forced into it.

Rosette and August had 3 children. Céline was the oldest of the girls. Then came Delphine, the middle child, then finally Camille, who was the youngest.

Camille was like a daughter to Clementine considering she was only about 5 years old. Clementine, now being 20, wanted to have her own family at some point, but did not want to have a forced marriage, so she had to deal with what she had.

One day, whilst Clementine was polishing up a sword she had just finished, Rosette came storming down the stairs and into the workshop that was below the house.

"Child, hide! That Thérnadier woman is here to take you back. Run!" Clementine wasted no time in getting out of there.

"She's brought that brat of a girl and her horrible ex-husband! Get out now. We'll find you and get your belongings to you. Go!"

"Thank you for everything ma'am. Thank Monsieur Farnadéir for me as well. Tell the girls I'll miss them. Thank you so much."

"Farewell, Mademoiselle. Until we meet again." Clementine waved her off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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