Chapter 1

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School was finally over. Summer vacation was back, much to the appreciation of everyone. It was a beautiful June day out. Blue skies, a nice breeze, the perfect day to be outside.

Crys and Tomas were enjoying the day together. They were having lunch together at a local restaurant in the city, sitting on the patio outside. The two of them were having a friendly chat as they ate.

"I'm just glad school is over." Crys said. She and Tomas had been on the topic of school for the past few minutes. Crys took a bite of her sandwich that she had in front of her.

"Agreed." Tomas replied. He ate one of his chips. "I got my grades back." He said. "Mostly some A's with one B."

"Not bad." Crys said.

"How about you?" Tomas asked.

"Oh, I mostly got C's. Think I had one B? I can't really remember. Last I looked at them was a week or so ago when I got them."

"That's understandable."

"I know Brandon got mostly B's and one or two A's." Crys continued. "I guess gallivanting around at night all the time isn't too good for grades."

"I'd say you did pretty good." Tomas said honestly. "You managed not to fail any classes. That's good enough."

"I guess so." Crys replied with a nod. "What about Emma?" She asked out of mild curiosity.

"Valedictorian. All A's." Tomas replied flatly.

"Figured as much." Crys said. She knew it was a bit of a redundant question from the start, but just had to be certain.

The two of them kept eating their respective lunches for a minute or two before continuing their conversation.

"So, what do you have planned for summer?" Tomas asked, curious.

Crys quickly finished chewing her food before responding. "Me and Brandon are going to go down to my beach house in a few days." Crys explained. "We'll be there for a week and just hang out."

"You have a beach house?" Tomas asked, a little surprised.

Crys nodded. "Parents bought it last year. Brandon and I went down there for vacation, and now we're going back." She gave a sheepish smile.

"Sounds fun. When are you leaving?" Tomas asked.

"Today's what? Tuesday?" Crys asked herself. "I think we leave on Friday."

Tomas nodded his head.

"What about you?" Crys asked. "Any plans?"

"Not really." Tomas said.

"You and Emma can join Brandon and me, if you want." Crys offered. "There's plenty of room at the beach house."

Tomas thought about the offer for a second or two. "I think I'll pass." He said. "It's your vacation. Thank you, anyway."

"Well, I just figured I'd offer." Crys said. "Anyways, so what do you think you'll wind up doing?"

Tomas shrugged again. "I don't really know." He said. "I'm going to try and hang out with my dad. Hoping we can find some things to do together."

"That's sweet." Crys said with a smile.

Tomas gave a slightly confused glance. "I suppose." He said. "I've never really spent much time with him." He added on. "I'd always be stuck with my mother. Any time I'd have with my dad we would try to do normal things. Go out for ice cream, play some video games together, go to the park, fishing, that sort of thing... I'm hoping now that it's summer and I don't have to deal with my mother anymore, I can just spend time with him. Have a real parent."

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