Chapter 6

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The next day had an early start. Brandon's parents woke Brandon and Crys up early in the morning with some exciting news. They were all going to one of the big amusement parks that was just about an hour or so away. Crys and Brandon each took a few seconds to register the surprise, and when they did, both their faces lit up as they quickly got ready to head out. Within less than ten minutes, everyone was out the door and on their way to the amusement park. They only stopped briefly on the way for some quick breakfast, but the rest of the ride was a straight shot to the park.

Once inside the park, Crys immediately dragged everyone along to go to the fastest roller coaster there was.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Crys exclaimed excitedly. She was holding Brandon tightly by the wrist.

"Where are we going?" Brandon asked, worried.

"That rollercoaster over there!" Crys exclaimed in response. "The real fast one!"

Brandon's eyes went wide. "No no no no no no!" He protested. "Not happening!"

"Oh, come on!" Crys protested Brandon's protesting. "It'll be fun!"

"Maybe for you!" Brandon said in terror. He tried his best to stop moving forward, pulling back against Crys.

Crys turned to look at Brandon. She had an excited gleam in her eye. "Please!" She said, practically begging.

"Absolutely not." Brandon said firmly.

Crys' smile faded for a moment. She could see how scared Brandon was. He was wide-eyed and shaking. Crys thought for a few seconds, then she sighed, a little disappointed. "Alright." She said, letting go of Brandon's arm.

"I'll go with you, Crys." Brandon's mom chimed in. She put a hand on Crys' shoulder and smiled.

Crys gave Brandon a little nod, then she turned back towards the roller coaster and excitement took over her again. She practically ran to get in line.

Meanwhile, as Crys was zooming along the roller coaster track, Brandon went around the park taking in all the sights and enjoying every little detail. The only real downside for him were the crowds of people. He liked going into all the different gift shops to see what was for sale. It was fun for him. Once Crys got back from her thrilling roller coaster ride, she met up again with Brandon and tried to convince him to go on another roller coaster with her. He still said no. This cycle repeated another two times before Crys wound up suggesting a much less intense ride for them to go on, and this time Brandon actually wound up joining her. That's how the day would go, for the most part. Both friends enjoyed the theme park in their own separate ways.

While taking a break to eat around lunch time, Crys and Brandon wound up chatting a bit.

"How come you're so afraid of roller coasters?" Crys asked Brandon. She had just changed the subject from some other idle chit-chat.

"I just don't like them." Brandon replied.

"Why?" Crys asked.

"I just don't." Brandon said. Crys gave him a glance that said she wanted a better explanation. "They're scary." He added on.


"Well, for one, I can't stand the heights. Two, they're way too fast for me, and with all that wind in my face I probably wouldn't be able to breathe well. Three, I'd probably get sick." Brandon explained.

"Have you ever been on a roller coaster?" Crys asked. "No."

"Then how do you know all that would happen? You might find out you like them."

"Crys, I'm not going on a roller coaster. There is no way you are going to get me to go on one with you."

Crys raised an eyebrow. "Chicken." She said flatly, half-teasing.

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