Chapter 10

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As Brandon slept peacefully in his bed dreaming sweet dreams, something vile began to stir just outside his room. Silently, the faux-wooden floorboards started to darken, stained by shadowy spots that grew larger and larger until they joined together to form a dark puddle, pitch black and reminiscent of blood. The shadowy stain grew, crossing the doorway into Brandon's room, stretching itself further and further until it crept up to the edge of Brandon's bed. The end of the shadow slunk forwards to join with the rest of itself at the side of the bed. It then carefully maneuvered itself to the foot of the bed, where it would extend upwards, going from just a flat stain on the ground to a full physical entity, looming over the bed. It watched as its victim slept blissfully unaware of its presence. A crooked and malicious grin took hold on where the shadow's face should have been. It extended a thin limb out over the bed, and as it stretched further out, a hand started to take shape. At the end of it were five increasingly sharp and precise claws that grew longer as the arm outstretched. The shadow stopped its hand over Brandon's chest. Its goal was now closer than ever, and with the building anticipation, the shadow's grin went further and further until it surpassed any human limitations. Its claw-like fingers curled into position, then started descending steadily towards Brandon's chest. Once the shadow's claws were barely touching Brandon's pajama shirt, it swifty, in one fell swoop, ripped Brandon's shirt and swiped his precious necklace from him. Then Brandon woke up, terrified. He could barely comprehend what was happening as the cruel shadow towered over him, clutching his necklace, finally in its grasp. Brandon's eyes darted back and forth, horrified at the sight unfolding before him. Unfortunately, it was already too late to do anything. He couldn't even begin to holler anything out as both he and his twisted shadowy self vanished, with the shadow gleefully cackling in triumph...

Crys was still in her bed. She shuffled around for a moment before waking up. She thought she had heard something faint. Maybe laughter? She didn't really know. After taking a solid moment to debate if she was just hearing things, she chalked it up to just being the last thing she had been dreaming about and went back to sleep, completely unaware of what had just happened only a few steps down the hall.

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