mi tesoro

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i step off the plane. a wave of heat overtaking my body. that smell of a warm country. i took a minute to take it all in. the sun was setting. it was lovely. "you ready to go yet wolff" i look down and see max looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs.

i walk down the stairs and onto the tarmac. me and max start walking and chatting. "you exited for your first time in a f1 car" he asks

"i'm beyond exited. i honestly cant wait" i say. i really am exited, but i'm also a little scared. all will be fine hopefully.

"your dad will obviously be there but what about your mum?" he says as we walk through the long tunnel to leave.

"yeah she's coming on thursday, with my brother aswell" i say a smile showing on my face.

"that's great"

we reached the coach to get to the hotel. i jump in and sit towards the front. i get motion sickness on busses and trains. surprisingly cars are fine. and thank goodness i'm fine in cars.

we reach the hotel and max and i go into the elevator up to our rooms. our rooms are next door so we get out together just chatting about testing.

as i was about to go into my room "goodbye" i say. "oh by the way check the drivers groupchat. you never read the messages" he chuckles.

"will do" i chuckle as i close the door. i put all my stuff down and collapse onto my bed. i decide to do what max said and check the group. i haven't checked it since the stuff about the party.


so guys what's happening with the annual pre testing night out?

i'm not sure we could just go to the pub or a club

yeah there's a pub about 10 minutes from the track we can go there

sounds good guys

are we going tonight? so we have tomorrow to recover before testing?

sounds good see youse at 8?

yep i'll be there

see you

what hotel are you all at we could go together? even just one person per team

la serie

same here

me and carlos are aswell

wait are we all at la serie

seems like it

yeah i think we are

hey guys i'll be there meet in the lobby?

sounds good

see you all soon

now i cant just lie in bed all night. it was 7pm so i had an hour to get ready. i decided to unpack first so i put all my stuff away. it was around 7:30 now so i started getting dressed.

i didn't want to go too fancy since we were only going to the pub so i grabbed a pair of black cargos and a red corset top.

my hair was already straight so i just left it as is. i put on a little makeup since i didn't out any on this morning. by this time i had to leave. i was already running late. it was 8. i quickly put on my nike blazers which that alone took around 3 minutes before grabbing my phone, room key and my purse.

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