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this book is personal to me 


I don't see myself when standing in front of the mirror. I don't see anyone. I'm standing in front of my reflection, and I stare at myself, but I see nothing.

It is cruel and unfair to be angry at the world for looking through me, when not even I can see who or what I am. If I hardly exist in my own reality, how can I expect myself to exist in anyone else's?

The front door opens, and Maddie walks in. She looks so tired after her twelve hours shift but when our eyes meet, she doesn't even seem surprised to see me standing here, in the dimly lit room, staring at myself in the mirror. She doesn't question it, she doesn't even look phased. 

Her dark eyes capture me whole, and I feel ensnared. I don't know who I am or what I really look like but somehow I feel like when she stares at me she can see me. The real me, the me I never met. I want to ask her who that girl is, but I don't know how.

So instead, I force a smile when I really want to cry, and I ask, "How was your shift?"

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