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Y'all asked for it and I was writing it anyway.

Here ya go. 

Alex POV:

"Fuck, you look beautiful." Wilbur breathed, the sweet words floating through Alex's ears and into his mind, filling his heart with honey.

Alex blushed and looked away from the phone, his heart racing, breaths heavy,

"Th-Thanks." He stammered. "Y-You, uhm, y-you look.."

'This was a bad idea.' His thoughts scolded.

Alex took a deep breath, forcing his gaze back to Wilbur.

The Brit's eye lids were drooping, his lips slightly parted and shining. 

The sight made his heart flutter.

"Goddamn." Alex whispered, mesmerized. "Eres tan jodidamente bonito William, ni siquiera te das cuenta."

"I like it when you speak Spanish." Wilbur giggled, his lips forming into a smile.

"Oh?" Alex asked, a boost of confidence surging through him, edging his next action on. "¿Te gusta? ¿Te gusta cuando te hablo de esta manera, bebé?

Wilbur buried his head in his pillow, blush spreading to his ears. 

Alex smirked, clearly not thinking straight as he leaned closer to his phone, heart racing in his chest.

"Ni siquiera sabes lo que estoy diciendo, y ya te estás derritiendo ante mis ojos." He cooed. "You're usually so confident William. Where'd that go?" 

"Alex.." Wilbur groaned, word muffled by the pillow. "Please stop messing with me."

Alex froze. Had he taken it to far? Well, he was too deep now. 

"I'm not messing with you Querido." Alex told him.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying bebé. What makes you think that?"

Wilbur lifted his head, face even redder and hair messed up. 

Alex sucked in a sharp breath.

"You're straight, aren't you?" Wilbur said simply.

Oh. Had Alex actually never told him?

"Wilbur, I never, ever, said I was straight. I'm pan." 

The brunette sighed, rubbing his eyes. 

"You have no idea what you do to me Alex." He said, his voice rough making Alex's heart leap.

"No idea," Wilbur continued. "How many times I've been around you, talked to you, watched, just wanting to be yours, wanting your arms around me. I can't stop thinking about you. You're too pretty, too unforgettable."

Wilbur looked straight at Alex.

"These calls we have... I don't ever want to leave them. You listen to me, you care about my opinions, you're there for me." Wilbur's voice was cracking a bit. 

"But friends do that too! And I can't seem to find any bit of hope that you feel this way as well." 

Alex's heart was speeding up, his mind circling around. This.. Wilbur was confessing to him! Wilbur liked him back!

"And my birthday is soon." Wilbur kept going. "And I don't know what I might do when I see you in person."

He buried his face in his hands.

"I love you Alex. And even if you like me back, I don't want this to be like every loved-me-left-me relationship I've had before. I don't want to have to get over or forget about you. I love you too much for that."

Alex couldn't believe it. Wilbur loved him.

He couldn't ruin this. He had to say something, he had to get this right,

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur hadn't gotten an answer, and was starting to panic, drumming his fingers on his bed.

'I ruined it.' He thought. 'Of course I did. I always ruin things like this. I can never do it right.'

His palms were sweaty and his throat felt like it was clogged.

Alex was just... staring. 

Wilbur was about to hang up when..

"Oh, William." A smile was spreading over Alex's face, complimenting the blush painted across it. 

"I.. I love you too. I love you so much."

Wilbur's heart leapt, a fuzzy warm feeling creeping through him.

Alex loved him back. Alex loved him back!

"Really? You're telling the truth?"

Alex nodded. "I've loved you this much for months."

Wilbur felt like he could fly to the moon,

He couldn't help but smile, a giggle accidentally escaping. 

Alex was smiling back at him, his dark brown eyes full of warmth,

"I don't really know what to say." Wilbur admitted. "This is the part where I usually hug them, but I can't do that."

"I wish I could hug you, Querido." Alex told him.

"Me too."

So they just stayed silent, smiling and admiring one another.


Well, Wilbur was still suffering in his hot room, but he somehow managed to ignore all that.

Just the effects of love I guess.

"So," He broke the silence after remembering something.

"You're still coming to Brighton for my birthday, right?"

Part 3 will be out soon. 

Btw, I wrote this entire chapter while at school, on paper. 

I had to hide it from friends multiple times.

Quackbur one-shots because I was bored at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now