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Back then, when lizzie read the message on her phone for the first time, her normaly bright smile dropped instantly. It was the last week of the summer break. Meaning her second year of highschool, which she was really exited for, in class 2d would start soon. Or so she thought...

Now she sat there, on the last day of the summer break, in her dark room next to her window. Reading the message again and again for the hundredth time. She knew the words allready, it was difficult to forget.  but still- she can't belive her eyes, she can't belive what she is reading. This whole message seemed so fake. It was a short, barely five line, message send to her by her school, or her principal. But even while being that short, it said everything that had to be said. It said everything to destroy her from the inside. This short message said everything to destroy her futur. It said everything to stop her highschool dream life of coming true. She will never become the popular girl in school like she allways dreamed of. She will never get a handsome girlfriend, or an even hotter boyfriend like she imagend it. All of it shatterd into tiny pices in only three sentences. 

'Dear Elizabeth ShadowLady,
We are sorry to Inform you, that you will be transfering into class E for the next school year. It came to our attention that your Grades had been dropping drasticly in the last semester, your teacher and I have come to the dession class E would fit you better. I hope you can understand this dession.
Yours Sincerely
Principal Laurens'

Sure she got lazy within the last semester, rather spending her days partying and daydreaming in class, not doing homework and such- but it's what every other student does too! So why was she out of all people being transferd, And making it worse into class E? It is like a nightmare coming true. Class E, the place where only clay-braine, tone-deaf, fat Pie-eating Freaks. Absoute. Weirdos. get send to. Everyone in this school knows that if you end up in that class, you can prepare yourself for a future of working in some Fastfood restaurant down the street. It sometimes gets so bad that the teachers dont even bother to show up for class. People rarely ever see's the studens of class E, since their dont have special courses to attent to, or go eat lunch with others. Or probably of all the bullying of those other Teenager with low self-esteme who thinks bullying makes them cooler. Basicly Beeing in class E is hell on earth.

And the worst part of it...
....Lizzie will be one of them from now on...

After reciving the messag, The rest of her week has been like the worst. First she had to tell her parents, lets just say, they weren't to happy upon hearing the news. Thinking about it now. She realized it might have not been the best idea to tell them at dinner, while both, her mother and father, were allready worked up because some lady down the road decided to parked her car wrong so that other weren't able to cross the street.
And after confessing. Everything just went downhill. For the first minute she just got weird stares and the silent treatment. But this soon ended with her mother saying something along the lines of ' I am at a loss for words.' And despite being at a loss for words they yelled at her for the next 20 minutes.

Some of the words, still stuck in her head. "We didn't give you the chance of going there for you to throw it away" or "I expected better of you." At the end of the night she and her parents had a long talk.

Incluing lizzie having to confess why her grades have been that bad, About all sneek outs and her plans for the future that have been shatterd. She ended up getting grounded for the rest of the week and as soon as school would start again, her mom would practice with her when she comes home again. It was hard to accept this but she knew she had to. There was no point in arguring further. Afterall these were her parents. There was no way she was winning an argument against them.

The second thing was a day later. She started a group call with all her friends. She was grounded,after all. And did turn out that it was better to do it online, for both her friends, and her feelings.

At first it had all been going well. All of them picked up almost instantly, having nothing better to do than calling with friends. But then when Lizzie started explaining why she called all of them, and how she got put into class E., all hell broke lose. Some of them leaving instantly, some others staying in the call waiting for her to say it was a joke before leaving when hearing it wasn't.

Untill it was only her and her best friend in a call.
She only looked at Lizzie with a look she has never seen on her friends face before. And left with sayin that she expected more of Lizzie.
The rest of the day she sat there cureld up in her bed cring. What else could she do? She tried everthing. The friends that havent blocked her yet were ignoring her. She was now not only in class E, But she has no friends now too.

The next four days she spend crying hersefl to sleep and staying in her room, only coming out to go to the bathroom or getting something to eat. Listening to music tring to get into a better mood.  And today was nothing different. She looked down on her phone for the last time, reading everyline of that short message carefully. Maybe she missread it the last hundred times. Maybe she was just dreaming. Yeah having a nightmare that was going on for a long time. Who is she kidding.
Whit a sigh she closed her phone, and threw it across the room onto her bed. The room suddently losing all of its light. Her hands went to her face, trying to wipe away the tears that keep spilling out.

She should have just changed schools. She had enought time- Who is she lying to. No school would have accepted her in the last week of summer break. And let along with her terrible grades. She messed up. When reciving her exams with the worst grades she had ever seen, Lizzie didnt care, but now look were she ended up. Sitting by her window, staaring into the sky, beeing all worked up about something she messed up. Thinking about how her life turned from the best to the worst in less than a second. From having a huge friendgroup into being left alone. From being a normal happy highschool girl to a complet loser.


right now, so pathetic like she is, Lizzie would fit pretty well into class E...

Lizzie stood up walking to her bed, taking her phone of her blanked she threw it on a few minutes ago, hoping it would not be broken. In the screen she saw her messd up reflection. Eyes swollen of all the crying she had gone through within the past week. messy hair ,she didnt even bother to brush, sticking in every direction, before seeing more of her miserable self she Turns on her phone to which her room instandly illuminates again. The bright screen lighting up and making her eyes hurt. Her background of her and her best friend- ex best friend. It was or is still her favorite picture of them together. Both girls sitting on swings next to eachother under the staars.- She should change that backgorund again. Lizzies eyes wandering to the time that is shown on screen. It says with bright bold letters 01:45 a.m. With another deep sigh she put her phone on her bedside table. And crawling into bed. Turning around till she was comfrontable.

Tomorrow she was going to school again. Just in a different class. And this class was the E class. The class with not future. Maybe it was not as bad as she thought- who is she kiddng. She will go throught hell this next year.
She is just another one of those unfortunate students that meet this fate. Just probably the only one that is not some fat gross kid that is to dumb to do anything...And whaterver is going to happen tomorrow. she did this to her self.
And the worst thing is that there is Nothing. Nothing. that she can do against it.

This was the first chapter! Thank you so much for reading! And I am so sorry for any typos I am writing this at 2 a.m and I dont know why-
I will update this hopefully every 2 to 3 day!
now have a great day/night wherever you are!
- :] I will go to sleep now so see you next chapter o/

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