Chapter 5: Day Thirty-eight

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Date: November 1st / DAY THIRTY-EIGHT

"Since when?" she asked. I blushed.
"Erm, I would love to remember. Hm, maybe back in our Grudgby days."
"You like it when women order you around, don't you. I can totally see that being the case." From head to toe, my body tingled with embarassment and shock. I don't think it was possible to be a brighter red than I was.
"Aww, Hunny Bunny, it's so cute, you have no idea." She booped me on the nose and conjured up a little pink rose which she tucked into my hair. We were on the living room couch in an embrace. It was a rather embarassing position, but it felt incredibly comfortable. I just had to pray Vee never walks in.
"Will, you're cuter, shut up," I mumbled as I continued to melt into a puddle of pink. She laughed at my behavior and tightened her grip on me. She looked at me with mischief in her eyes and shyly planted a small kiss on my forehead.
"How about you? Since when have you...felt the feelings?" I asked.
"You've always been my type," she said giggling. She gave me a sly wink before continuing. "I'm omnisexual, so I like all people, but personally I swing more towards women."
"I don't understand, I'm not a woman."
"True, but when I DO like a guy, they typically fall under a very specific category. I like capable men with a cute, dorky, awkward side. That's you to a T, Hunbun. Not to mention, I love your hair, it's adorable."
"....stop talking, I'm going to go into cardiac arrest." Willow giggled before suddenly dipping me into her arm and pushing me against the sofa.
"Don't worry, I'll save you, I'm trained in CPR," she said with a coy smile. I bit my lip, my face was burning. I didn't break her stare.
"You're not wrong by the way. I it when women order me around...Captain." A fire lit up in Willow's eyes. She kissed me. She swooped down, captured my lips, and kissed me. It was gentle but firm, kind of like Will herself. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. Her braids fell to frame her face and graze my chin. She kissed me until I couldn't breathe anymore and after we took a breath, our lips met again. Fire. My lips burned and the fire spread across my face and down my neck. Simultaneously, there was a fire in my chest, a fire in my stomach. I burned everywhere and I loved it.
When we were through, Willow gently pecked my cheek with a smile and laid down beside me, her arm around my torso.
"Will, that was-"
"Glad, I'm not alone in thinking that." I was consumed with awe and embarassment. I shyly tucked my face into the crook of her neck. "I can't look at you right now." Her chest rumbled as she laughed.
"Hun, you're so cute."
"So, how long are we going to lounge around and do nothing, Will," I said still tucked into her neck.
"Shh shh, this is the Willow Healing Program. For your physical healing, I forbid you from moving too much. For your mental healing, we're going to talk. Whether that be talking about each other or about what's going on in your cranium." She locked her hand into mine, our fingers intertwined. "Hun, love, I know you want to start working on the portal. I do too! But priority number one is your wellbeing. We don't know what we're going to see when we get back. Things could be back to normal or worst-case scenario...we could have lost everything. No matter what, we need to be properly equipped to deal with it-- physically and mentally." I sighed.
"As always, you're right, Will. Not that I'm, ahem, opposed to more cuddles," I conceded with a mutter. She giggled and held me tighter.
We laid there, holding each other close, for a while. We both drifted in and out of sleep throughout the day. There was warmth, but there was loneliness. There was the comfort of each other and the fear of never seeing our friends. I suspected that our days in the Human Realm would be bittersweet, which would only augment the need for the sweeter moments. I clutched Willow's body even closer, needing that warmth, that sweetness to counteract what I was feeling.
"Hun," she whispered.
"Yeah Will."
"I want you to talk to me. About everything." I fell silent. We sat up on the couch and I faced her.
"I want to check in," she said with a tired smile.
"Well, right now, I'm missing Gus. I miss his general energy."
"Mm, I miss him, too. He was so happy the entire time we were here even though I know how much he missed his family. I guess he did have his fascination for human trinkets that kept him going."
"Yeah...I might be ready to, talk about Flapjack." She tightened her hold on my hand.
"If you feel ready, go ahead. Don't push yourself."
"He followed me around. All the time. I didn't know why, but he grew on me. He was adorable and I loved him and I...I killed him," I said, tears streaming down my face.
"Hun, that wasn't you!" she said, pulling me into her arms. "That was Belos! You couldn't help it, love."
"Will, I don't know who I am anymore," I said, my voice cracking. "I'm a grimwalker. I'm a clone of someone Belos loved. I don't know if that means that I'll follow in their footsteps or if that influences me in any way. I don't know how much of what I do is me and how much is some rando from centuries ago. My entire purpose in life was following Belos' orders as the Golden Guard but now that's a bust. I don't know who I am and it's driving me insane."
"Hunter. You are Hunter. You like wolves and nerdy books. You're passionate and brave and kind and funny. But you're also shy and awkward and dorky. I don't know how much of that is some rando from centuries ago, but that doesn't matter because either way it's YOU. And...I love you." I felt a sharp pang against my chest.
"I thought since you asked me to be your boyfriend, that meant I had to say the L-word first. You stole my turn, Will," I giggled through my tears.
"Oh hush...and about your purpose. You can always find a new purpose, Hun. Right now, that could be building a new portal with me. After that, it could be restoring the Boiling Isles with the gang and fighting the Collector. Don't be too heartbroken about what was, love."
"I love you so much."
"Me too, Hunny, me too."

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