Chapter 6: Day Thirty-nine

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Date: November 2nd, DAY THIRTY-NINE

I woke up at 4 am, brushed my teeth and got to work. In Manny's closet, I found a large pinboard covered in headcanons and fan theories for the space series he was so fond of. I felt bad, but I pried them off-- Manny would understand. I tacked on some post-its of my own.
So what we know is that in order to make a portal, we need Titan's blood. We also know that somehow the Boiling Isles is oddly connected to Gravesfield (why else would there be Titan's Blood here, and why would Eda's portal lead to the cabin). From what I've gathered, if one were to open a portal in the Boiling Isles to the Human Realm, it would lead to the cabin. But, if one were to open a portal from the Human Realm to the Boiling Isles, it would be anywhere. I assume this would be because the entirety of the Boiling Isles is sustained by Titan remains. Does this mean there's Titan blood in the cabin? Also, when we went to the Historical Society, that person at the front desk said that there were lots of maps just like this one. What if we were to find another? That being said, what is the Earth sustained by? If the Boiling Isles is sustained by Titan remains, what kind of dead creature sustains Earth?
"That one is easy," Willow said groggily.
"Will! Since when were you up?"
"It's been a couple minutes, you looked extra handsome while you were thinking, so I didn't say anything." My heart skipped a beat.
"Anyway," she pointed at the post-it note that said Earth dead creature????, "Earth isn't sustained by a dead creature. Luz explained it to me. It's sustained by sunlight and water, that's it. That's why there's no magic here. I can only use my magic because of my witch heart sac."
"I see."
"I think that the cabin might have been where Belos and his brother lived centuries ago. Belos might've known that one day he'd end up back here and he'd need a way back to the Boiling Isles which is why the map to the Titan's Blood was hidden there."
"That's a very plausible situation. Do you think he had a back up plan? Maybe an extra map?"
"I'm not sure, we should definitely check."
"Before we do that, let's get some breakfast," I chuckled. My stomach had been groaning for a while. Will smiled and held me hand. We walked to the cafe and ate, making sure to bring back some food for Vee.
On the way back, Willow looked at me with concern. "How are you doing right now? Do you feel any better?"
"I'm okay, Will, really. Thank you for being here and-- OH LOOK OUT" A car dashed in out of nowhere and as an immediate reaction I grabbed Willow and ran out of the way. "WILL, ARE YOU OKAY?" I said, heavily panting.
"Hunter...that was..."
"SO IRRESPONSIBLE, couldn't that driver see there were PEOPLE on the road?!?!" Willow smiled and ran her hand through my hair.
"No silly, that was Flapjack."
"I- what?? Will, are you telling me that crazy driver was Flapjack??"
"Noo! Hun, didn't you realize. You didn't just run out of the way with me. It was fast almost like you teleported. And you shone gold. It was Flapjack..inside of you."
"Oh..oh" I staggered backward and put my hand on my chest. It felt warm and I had a feeling as if I was taking flight, fluttering in the wind. I softly smiled. "Flapjack." Willow hugged me, but that wasn't enough. I swooped her up in my arms and spun around and around, tears of bittersweet joy escaping my eyes.
We got back home. "Hey Will?"
"Do you think...Flapjack could possibly help us find Titan blood?"
"How so?"
"I mean, he found the map last time, not that that indicates anything. Also maybe him being a palisman would make him more connected to the Titan's blood since they grow on trees that pull nutrients from the Titan itself? I don't know if I'm grasping at straws here. Maybe if I'm close to the Titan blood, I'll know it because of Flapjack."
"That makes sense. I think we should head to the cabin and try."
We arrived at the cabin and searched every room. I examined each floorboard, I even pried some out. Nothing. Nothing until we got upstairs.
There was a book. Some kind of journal and in it was the name "Caleb." A chill went down my spine. That was Belos' older brother. I leafed through the pages and most talked of a woman named Evelyn and how beautiful she was. The way he spoke of this woman held a great deal of endearment. It made me wonder why Belos had never shown me or anyone else any sort of care when his brother had such a capacity for love. I stopped.
As my love for Evelyn grows, so does his disdain. I fear Philip will turn against me one day so as a precautionary measure I have hidden a map to more Titan's blood in our cabin in Gravesfield should he ever decide that we must leave the Boiling Isles. Should he decide on more drastic measures...may my children find happiness. May Evelyn find happiness. Should a friend find this book: That which you seek is at the tip of a scribe's pen. That which you seek is as dry as I am dead.
Should a foe find this book: As my dear Evelyn would say, respectfully piss off.

I had the same fluttering feeling as before. I felt warm. Clearly, Flapjack was telling me something.
" you think he..wrote this entry with Titan's blood?"
"Will, you genius. But, would a portal even work with dry Titan's blood?"
"Only one way to find out."
We took the book to the place in Old Gravesfield where the last portal had been opened. I placed the page against the top of the archway. A light shone from the arch and it seemed a portal was opening. A swirl of colors flooded into the space and my heart beat with excitement. I stuck my head through the portal and my heart dropped. The other side of the portal was black nothingness. I could see nothing. All I could hear were the giggles of a child and someone flipping the pages of a book. I squinted my eyes and in the distance I saw what appeared to be Earth and upon Earth were two beds. This didn't make sense. How could a portal IN EARTH made with Titan's Blood lead to space in some reality where someone lives on top of Earth. Willow watched with me, her mouth agape. Before we knew it, the portal closed. I guess dried Titan blood not only malfunctions, but also lasts a very short amount of time. The book was singed along it's edges and the words on that page were gone. Willow pulled me into her embrace.
"Will, it's okay. It's not like we got it first try last time. It took us a month to make a portal. We'll get it, don't worry."
"I sure hope so, Hunter."
"Don't worry. Once we're there, we'll say hi to the others, you'll introduce me to your dads while I shit my pants, and then we'll go on a date somewhere, maybe the Left Calf. I heard the Left Calf has great seafood."
"That would be lovely, Hunny..that would really be lovely. Thank you." We stayed like that for a while before we went back home for the day.

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