Chapter 7: Day Forty

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Date: November 3rd / DAY FORTY

Vee became quite scarce around the house. This was because she had gotten herself a partner-- the person manning the Historical Society reception desk with the sick non-binary flag nails. Vee had been smitten since the day she encountered them and now they were dating-- I'm happy for her.
Today was a rainy day. Rain still scared me a little. Rain gave me my first scar. A small red nick on my shoulder I had gotten from being careless as a child. I sat and watched the rainfall, memories of the past, memories of Flapjack running through my mind.
Will handed me a cup of warm tea. She stared at my face and after a while I found a deep red blush climb up my neck.
"Will, do I have something on my face?"
"Just your regular old sexy face," she muttered under her breath. My eyes widened.
"W-wha, I, Will, I"
She smiled softly before taking her thumb to trace the scars on my face.
"I was looking at these. H-how did it feel? When he left your body like that.."
"It burned. The places where the green goo left were searing, if felt like someone took a hot iron and branded my skin with it. I thought my face would melt off."
"Good thing it didnt," Willow said with a small smile and a tightened grip on my hand. "They look like they are somewhat healed but I really wish you saw a doctor even though that's not possible at the moment."
"It's okay Will, it doesn't hurt anymore."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Besides, I think of my scars as memories. Each one of them is a little part of something that I went through. For instance, this one on my knee? I got seventeen stitches! It was during my Golden Guard training-- I tumbled down a mountain."
"And you want to remember that?" Willow chuckled.
"I guess I do. I miss knowing who I'm supposed to be."
Just like that we spent our rainy day exchanging stories and staying in. Vee came in at some point in the evening and gave us some khichri, a rice and lentil dish popular in India. Her partner said it was a rainy day comfort food and it definitely did its job.

Abominable -- Hunter x Willow THE OWL HOUSEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن