Dariya Torres

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Name: Dariya Torres

Name Meaning: Dariya means "possessing goodness" in Ukrainian and Torres means "living near a tower" in Spanish

Nicknames: Dolly, Ria

Age: 16

Birthday: February 26th

Zodiac: Pisces

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

Grade: Second Year

Association with Ouran: Class 2-A


Hair Style: Down with a little side ponytail

Hair Color: Blonde

Hair Length: To Her Shoulders

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'3/160cm

Weight: 107lbs/49kg

Skin Tone: Fair

Piercings: One on Each Ear

Tattoos: Torres on Left Bicep

Birthmarks: None

Scent: Apricot

Fashion Style: Both Casual Feminine and E-Girl


Likes: Fall Out Boy, hugs, naps

Dislikes: her impulsiveness

General Personality: She is a very cheerful and optimistic girl, however there are times where she will act on impulses. She also can't stand stupidity. She primarily gets upset when people say things about her gender identity.


Mother: Alina Torres (nee Gavrilyuk)

Father: Julio Torres

Siblings: Yuliana Torres (19), Juri Torres (14)

Grandmothers: Chiyoko Gavrilyuk, Cristina Torres

Grandfathers: Yura Gavrilyuk, Jose Torres

Other Relatives: None of Note

Best Friend(s): Takashi Komatsu, Itsuki-Miyazaki Ochoa

Enemy(s): None of Note

Partner(s): Adachi Yoshiaki


Book: Love and Gelato

Movie: Snow White and The Seven Dwarves

Person: Adachi Yoshiaki

Drink: Blue Raspberry Lemonade

Food: Her Dad's Homemade Arroz Con Leche

Animal: Blue Whale

Hobby: Writing

Color: Pink

Music: Pop and Thrash Metal


She was born in the United Kingdom, to a Hispanic father and a Half Ukrainian, Half Japanese Mother. She was assigned male at birth, but she always knew that she was a girl. Throughout her childhood, she was teased for "not being like the other kids". She made good friends but lost them due to several misunderstandings. She eventually came out to her family and got a lot of support. In her first year of middle school, she and her family moved to Japan, and she was admitted into Ouran. Her dad stayed behind, but she is in constant contact with him.

Fun Facts

☆She can and will attack you

☆she dreams of being a detective

☆has an older sister named Yuliana and a younger brother named Juri

☆has a dog named Estrella

☆will refuse to go to sex ed class

☆rides her bike everywhere

☆inspired her name after her favorite cartoon character (Daria from...Daria)

☆knows how to pierce ears and give tattoos

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