Akimitsu McNamara

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Name: Akimitsu Llewelyn McNamara

Name Meaning: Akimitsu means "bright light" in Japanese, Llewelyn means "lion" in Welsh, and McNamara means "son of a seahound" in Irish

Nicknames: Kitten, Mitsu, Linnie (Family Only)

Age: 16

Birthday: June 25th

Zodiac: Cancer

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Grade: Second Year

Association with Ouran: Member of the Kendo Club/ Class 2-B


Hair Style: Longish and Messy

Hair Color: Orange

Hair Length: To His Neck

Eye Color: One Blue One Green

Height: 6'1/185cm

Weight: 153lbs/69kg

Skin Tone: Pale

Piercings: One on Each Ear and a Tongue Piercing

Tattoos: Seahorse and Starfish on his Right Ankle

Birthmarks: Freckles All Over His Face

Scent: Ocean Breeze with Some Cigarette Thrown In

Fashion Style: Pirate


Likes: animals, video games, cookies

Dislikes: not freshly cooked meat

General Personality: He is quite an expressive person, ranging from being mischievous and laid back to being cold and bitter about the world around him. Overall, he is really cheerful. He is pretty affectionate, hugging his friends often. He is also intelligent and observant to the things around him as he learned from his past experiences. Because of this, he can make assumptions about a person before he gets to know them. There are times he is more reserved, but it does depend on the day.


Father: Richard McNamara (nee Kawasaki)

Other Father: Allen McNamara

Siblings: Tobi McNamara

Grandmothers: Aki Kawasaki, Ericka McNamara

Grandfathers: Takuya Kawasaki, Brandon McNamara

Other Relatives: None of Note

Best Friend(s): Hayate Tsuchiya, Tsubaki Hirose, Haruka Osaki

Enemy(s): Ryota Nishimura

Partner(s): Shiori Kaneshiro


Book: National Geographic Magazine

Movie: Pirates of the Carribean

Person: Shiori Kaneshiro

Drink: Oreo Milk Tea

Food: Oreos

Animal: Seahorse

Hobby: Archery

Color: Blue

Music: Rock


Akimitsu was born in Canada to a rich family, who owned a modeling + acting agency in Canada. His second name, Llewelyn, was originally his first name. But it was changed before Akimitsu and his family moved. To this day, only his family and people close to him call him Llewelyn. He has two dads, a reserved businessman and a chill stay at home dad. Before he and his family moved, he gained a little brother named Tobi. When he was really little, he and his dads moved to Tokyo, Japan to open a new agency in Tokyo. When he was younger, he didn't express his emotions as he wanted to. He didn't have many friends either, since the other kids thought he was "too weird" for them. He was also bullied since he always wore his eyepatch. Since he hung out alone, he got into nature documentaries. Ever since then, he became obsessed with nature. In his first year of high school, he transferred to Ouran Academy. He dated Ryota for ten months before it got toxic and Akimitsu dumped him. He picked up Kendo as a side hobby, and that was how he met Hayate and the rest of the gang. He currently hopes to one day work with animals.

Fun Facts

☆doesn't like when people ask about his dads (in a bad way)

☆has a cat named Lucifer, dog named Bruno, and a ferret named Jack that he loves with everything he's got

☆wears an eyepatch most of the time

☆dreamt about being a pirate as a kid

☆has beat Hayate at things and won't let it go

☆closest to Hayate and Tsubaki (is also their mediator)

☆talks to inanimate objects (his favorite is a fake skeleton named Becky)

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